am trying to make a menu with a frame en its not working.
and how can i introduce multiple panels in the same frame?
here is my code.

import java.awt.*;
import javax.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;

public class FrameMenu extends Jframe{
	private final Color colorValues[]={Color.YELLOW,Color.RED,Color.BLUE,Color.GREEN};
	private final Color colorValues2[]={Color.GRAY,Color.CYAN,Color.MAGENTA,Color.WHITE};
	private RadioButtonMenuItem colorItems[];//color menu items
	public FrameMenu(){
		super("MY MENUS");
		JMenuBar bar=new JMenuBar();
		JMenu musicMenu=JMenu("Music");// create music menu
		musicMenu.setMnemonic('M');//set mnemonic to M
		JMenu colorMenu=JMenu("Color");	//create color menu
		colorMenu.setMnemonic('C');//set mnemonic to O
		bar.add(colorMenu);//add colorMenu to Menubar
		//array listing string colors
		String colors[]={"Yellow","Red","Blue","Green"};
		JMenu foregroundMenu=new JMenu("Foregroud");//create foregroundMenu
		foregroundMenu.setMnemonic('F');//set Mnemonic to F
		foregroundItems=new JRadioButtonMenuItem[colors.length];
		foregroundButtonGroup= new ButtonGroup();//manages forground colors
		ItemHandler itemHandler=new ItemHandler();//handler for foreground colors
		//create forgrond radio button menu items
		for(int i=0;i<colors.length;i++){
			foregroundItems[i]=new JRadioButtonMenuItem(colors[i]);//create item
			foregroundMenu.addd(foregroundItems[i]);//add item to forground menu
			foregroundButtonGroup.add(foregroundItems[i]);//add to group
			}//end for loop
		foregroundItems[0].setSelected(true);//select first color item
		String colors2[]={"Gray","Cyan","Magenta","White"};
		JMenu backgroundMenu=new JMenu("Background");//create backgroundMenu
		backgroundMenu.setMnemonic('B');//set Mnemonic to B
		backgroundItems=new JRadioButtonMenuItem[colors2.length];
		backgroundButtonGroup= new ButtonGroup();//manages background colors
		ItemHandler itemHandler2=new ItemHandler();//handler for background colors
		//create forgrond radio button menu items
		for(int i=0;i<colors.length;i++){
			backgroundItems[i]=new JRadioButtonMenuItem(colors[i]);//create item
			backgroundMenu.addd(backgroundItems[i]);//add item to background menu
			backgroundButtonGroup.add(backgroundItems[i]);//add to group
			}//end for loop
		backgroundItems[0].setSelected(true);//select first color item
		private class ItemHandler implements ActionListener{
			public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event){
				for (int i=0;i<foregroundItems.length;i++){
						break;}//end of if
					}//end for loop
				}//end method actionPerformed
			}//end class ItemHandler
		private class ItemHandler implements ActionListener{
			public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event2){
				for (int i=0;i<backgroundItems.length;i++){
						break;}//end of if
					}//end for loop
				}//end method actionPerformed
			}//end class ItemHandler	
		JMenu exitMenu=JMenu("Exit");//create exit menu
		exitMenu.setMnemonic('x');//set mnemonic to M
			new ActionListener(){
				public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event ){
					System.exit(0);//exit application
					}//end actionPerformed
				}//end inner class
			);//end call to addActionListener
	public static void main(String arg[]){
		FrameMenu frameMenu=new FrameMenu();//create FrameMenu
		frameMenusetSize(1000,1000);//set frame size
		frameMenu.setVisible(true);//display frame
		}//end main		
	}//end FrameMenu

u could hv used code tags to post d code here

n plz also post wht errors u r getting

u could hv used code tags to post d code here

n plz also post wht errors u r getting

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