Can someone help me in connecing the windows using java...?

I am doing a project in virtual class..So i need to link the windows.

Please help...

Thanking u all in advance.


What does "linking" or "connecting" windows mean?
Do you want each class that has opened a window to have a reference to the other classes that have opened a window?

or you mean by connecting windows that you are using GUI and needs to connect one frame with another ?

Yes, actually i mean each class that has opened a window to have a reference to the other classes that have opened another that when we click a button in one class then it takes us to other class features in other window...
I hope I m making my point clear...

If not please tell me...

Thank you..:)

If all these classes are executing in the same JVM, then when you create a new instance of a class with a window, pass it a reference to the other classes.

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