Hi everyone,

Creating a software with C#, does it require many forms?

because I want to create a elementary grade 4 math courseware,

but I only know how to create a basic calculator with C# >_<.

I just started 3rd year computer science and,
our group's thesis proposal has been approved by the dean
and he wants us to start thinking on the courseware development already.

Hi everyone,

Creating a software with C#, does it require many forms?

because I want to create a elementary grade 4 math courseware,

but I only know how to create a basic calculator with C# >_<.

I just started 3rd year computer science and,
our group's thesis proposal has been approved by the dean
and he wants us to start thinking on the courseware development already.

Your question is rather ambiguous given none of us know what you plans are, or what your application design is.

Some points however ...

C# in itself doesn't have to have any forms. That is, forms are simply a visual component of a C# application.

That said, assuming you are going to use forms for their visual value, the number of forms you will require is directly based on how you want to group (present) your material.

You could, in theory, have one big huge form with scroll bars. Or, you could make each section of the course a standalone application that only uses 1,2, or more forms.

In a nutshell, the language you choose has little or nothing to do with the number of forms your application will need ... that's a design issue.

Hope that helps.

commented: it is very helpful +0

thank you for your reply.

I want to create a courseware on grade 4 math. based on the math textbook
this courseware needs to be interactive, so I think I need to use forms

for example the student runs the courseware then a menu appears:

chapter 1
chapter 2
and so on..

clicking on a chapter will start the lesson,
after each lesson there is a short quiz
after the chapter, there will be a chapter test.
results of quizzes, chapter test will be stored in a database,
so that the instructor/teacher can keep track of student's progress

thank you for your reply.

I want to create a courseware on grade 4 math. based on the math textbook
this courseware needs to be interactive, so I think I need to use forms

for example the student runs the courseware then a menu appears:

chapter 1
chapter 2
and so on..

clicking on a chapter will start the lesson,
after each lesson there is a short quiz
after the chapter, there will be a chapter test.
results of quizzes, chapter test will be stored in a database,
so that the instructor/teacher can keep track of student's progress

Personally, I would look at doing what you are talking about in HTML and active server pages (ASP) rather than a straight up C# program. But that's just me.

hmm.. maybe my problem is what programming language to use,

I'll ask the dean,
but I think the dean will just tell us to find out by ourselves >_<

or my groupmates
I think my groupmates want a courseware that is not web-based.

anyway thanks for your help, it gave me new ideas ^^

Every language has its own pro's and con's and I'd recommend you guys do some research into which best meets your requirements...it'll look good in your thesis for one and will help you choose correctly for another.

If you have a limited time frame and a large project to code, i would generally recommend you go with the language that you feel most comfortable with. Picking the most powerful language is pointless, if none of you know it, because you wont get the most out of it.

hai .. well divide the form into two parts by splitter ... and one user interface as heading so that it will be usefull in evry from.. in the first half of your form arrange your chapters.. and in the second half arrange your quiz questins.. when u open first chapter make ur all the chapters invisible.. if u arrange ur controls in group its easy to implement.. hope it may helps without using multiple forms..atlast SETUP and deployment as u know..sorry if anything is wrong

i think just need to use C# & SQL express database. no need to be web-based.
u could follow above comments (BR's advice) or u could use some panels or listviews as well ( i think no need so many forms ) . i'm also just beginner in c# . :) sorry for my advice if it doesn't look nice :).

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