Hi.. I've been trying to get this to work for hours now but I'm not understanding what to do.

Basically I'm creating a quiz on python with 5 questions.
I have a function that is only for the quiz.
Another function is to display the highest quiz score.
I want to keep the highest score in a text file that the program can read from and write to.

Here's the pseudo code for what I want to do:

- take quiz
- calculate score
- read highScore.txt
-- determine if new high score is greater than the high score in the text file.
----if yes: replace high score in text file with the next high score just received.
----if not: leave the text file as is

So far, I'm getting the program to just read what the text file says.
How do I assign a variable to the high score in the text file?

For example:

(Text File): oldScore
if newScore > oldScore, then write newScore to file
if newScore < oldScore, do nothing.

I'm not sure if I'm making sense, but I'm a newbie and just confused at this point.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!

And the code?

I can't see it. lol


f_score = open ('score.txt')
old_score = int(f_score.readlines()[0])
score = 80
print old_score
if score > old_score:
    f_score = open ('score.txt', 'w')
    f_score.write('%s' % score)

This is what I've been trying to work with, but it just keeps printing out whatever is on the file.

def highscore():
    newScore = sum(points)
    openHigh = open("highScore.txt", 'r')
    highScore = openHigh.read()
    print highScore
    print newScore

    if newScore > highScore:
        print highScore

Also, what if I would like to display the person's name? How would I go about adding the person's name AND score, but only reading the score to see if the file should be updated with the new person's name and score?

See my example.

Write the name and the socre with some separator.

Then do some spliting on reading, and compare only the last field.


score.txt content before:

f_score = open ('score.txt')
old_highscore = f_score.readlines()[0]
old_name, old_score = old_highscore.split('-')
name = 'Joe'
score = 80
print old_name, old_score
if score > int(old_score):
    print name, score
    f_score = open ('score.txt', 'w')
    f_score.write('%s-%s' % (name, score))

score.txt content after:


This is what I've been trying to work with, but it just keeps printing out whatever is on the file.

def highscore():
    newScore = sum(points)
    openHigh = open("highScore.txt", 'r')
    highScore = openHigh.read()
    print highScore
    print newScore

    if newScore > highScore:
        print highScore

You have the file open as reading mode. Thats why.

openHigh = open("highScore.txt", [B]'r'[/B])

I'm not sure what's happening... It only keep showing me the old_name and old_score from the score.txt file.

def highscore():

    print "=" * 75
    print "                                 HIGH SCORE"

    newScore = sum(points)
    newPlayer = playerL[:]
    f_score = open('score.txt')
    old_highscore = f_score.readlines()[0]
    old_name, old_score = old_highscore.split('-')

    if newScore > int(old_score):
        print newPlayer, newScore
        f_score = open('score.txt', 'w')
        f_score.write('%s-%s' % (newPlayer,newScore))

    elif newScore <= int(old_score):
        print old_name, old_score

And this is what it's keeps outputting everytime:


                              GAME OVER

                          You won $ 23000 !!!


Play Again? 1=Yes 2=No :  2

                          WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONARE? 




4)   EXIT

Please enter a selection (1-4):  3

                                 HIGH SCORE

player 1000

Press 1 to continue:

One question.

When the player looses, how are you saving the highscore?

In your example you show a player that played and then you call the highscore from the menu.

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