Hi everybody. I am a student taking up C programming and I need some help from you guys.

My main problem is that I do not know how to start with programming, aside from that, I would like to know also whoever knows how to understand discrete structures in programming.

I would really appreciate somebody who can help me with it.

Thanks in advance!

>I am a student taking up C programming
Cool, sometimes it seems like new programmers are too afraid of C to learn it.

>I do not know how to start with programming
That's easy. Read books, do the exercises, ask questions on our C and C++ forum, and practice.

>I would like to know also whoever knows how to understand discrete structures in programming.
Um...discrete structures are the building blocks of computer science. Unless you're a mathematician or you really get into algorithmic analysis, they won't really matter. Programmers can simply understand and use the results, much like driving a car even if you don't know how to build one.

Could a super mod please move this thread to the C and C++ forum?

Thanks for the prompt reply. Do you have any idea on where I can get the exercises so I can test what I have learned, like functions, arrays, and others?

For starters I like the exercises in Deitel & Deitel's C How to Program ...

thanks a lot again...

indians are the greatest software developers in the world. half of the worlds technical pros are from the great land of india.
read the book "let us C" by a great programmer yashwanth kanetkar.
this will definitely get you started off in the c programming language.

>>indians are the greatest software developers in the world

Now thats funny!!!! :cheesy: :cheesy:

>>half of the worlds technical pros are from the great land of india.

Thats purely for economic reasons. Labour is cheap there.

>indians are the greatest software developers in the world
I have yet to see how this is true. The majority of Indian developers that I have met wrote awful code. The good ones may be hiding, but I imagine that the situation is just like everywhere else in the world: there are a few really good ones, and a lot of really stupid ones.

>half of the worlds technical pros are from the great land of india.
Could you please tell me how this is relevant to your recommendation of a book? Are you trying to compensate for your own inadequacies by claiming that everyone around you is a great programmer (I'm assuming you're from India) so that you are great by association?

>I like the exercises in Deitel & Deitel's C How to Program ...
The exercises may be good, but the quality of the rest of the book is questionable. I would recommend Pointers on C by Kenneth Reek.

followed by C unleashed.

I learned my C from these books. I'm not saying they're the greatest (in fact they usually get bad reviews), but I think they worked very well for me.

- Teach Yourself C in 21 Days
- Teach Yourself C in 24 Hours

This online tutorial about pointers and arrays also helped me alot.

- A Tutorial On Pointers and Arrays

I also urge you to dabble in some C++ or Java, as it'll help you understand C better. For C++, I highly recommend C++ Primer Plus by Stephen Prata.

indians are the greatest software developers in the world.

It's never wise to post such remarks unless it's obvious you're kidding, or with some justification. It usually causes patriotic/racial feelings to blow up. :eek:

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