How can i display unique number in a matrice . For example the matrice : 16483
And this display :

Nr: 0 -> 3
1 -> 3
2 -> 2
3 -> 2
4 -> 2
5 -> 1
6 -> 1
......... . Plesae helo me

Homework? If yes: show us what you've done.

Is this a training for 2d-arrays? Because I can think up a few much more 'C++ ways' to solve this problem..

Please help me because this is for an exam that a need here in my job

We only help if you show some effort yourself.

commented: why you can hep me +0

int main()
   int i,j=0,k,ch;
   int Matrice[4][5]={1,6,4,8,3,2,3,8,7,0,1,4,5,0,9,2,6,9,0,1};
                      cout<<ch<<" -> "<<j<<endl;
   return 0;

>this is for an exam that a need here in my job
Your job? Dare I ask what kind of job gives exams that look a lot like elementary CS homework? You're clearly not a professional developer, judging by your code and complete inability to solve this simple problem.

I solved in php using an associative array. and the function array_key_exist in php. It was too simple.

$matrice=array(array(1, 2 ,3 ) , array(2,1 4) .....
$a=array() // associative array
for($i=0 ; $i<10; $i++)
  for($j=0 ; $j<10; $j++)
   if array_key_exist($matrice[$i][$j],$matrice)
   { $a[$matrice[$i][$j]]++ ; }

>> I solved in php

So why did you post in the C++ forum? Now this thread makes even less sense then it already initially did..

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