Does anyone know the event that causes the carriage return animation to play? I would like to have the carriage return animation to play after clicking in a box.. that is not a textfield.

Essentially.. I am attempting to create a custom text field.

(In case you do not already know.. a carriage return is the blinking line animation that plays to signify text can be typed at a given location).

(Using Win32.. thanks)

>> Does anyone know the event that causes the carriage return animation to play?

I believe you've coined a new term for a thing which is more commonly known as a caret. Perhaps read up about Carets and see if it's possible to achieve what you want.

Another name for it is "cursor". But MS-Windows calls it a caret for some ungodly reason. I always though a caret was something we eat.

lol. I was half asleep when I wrote this post.. to lazy to find the actual name of the animation that blinked.. Sorry.. In any event, you guys have indeed solved my problem, thank you so much.

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