ok when i enter text in a text box and hit a buttonj i want it to replace the text in a url

webBrowser1.navigate ("urlgoeshere");

i want it to replace a certain string in it but i dont know how any ideas?

Use JavaScript.

Watch for Lost Focus then run Javascript to update something.

Wow. I didn't know you could use Javascript in a C# application! (Of course, I'm just a beginner)

HAHA Ok so I am a dumbass and did not realize this was the C# section..

But actually the same rules apply.. you can build a function and keep refernecing it.. similar to how Javascript would owrk you know what I mean?

HAHA Ok so I am a dumbass and did not realize this was the C# section..

But actually the same rules apply.. you can build a function and keep refernecing it.. similar to how Javascript would owrk you know what I mean?

lol iam lost with all this java talk

can u provide a sample?

lol iam lost with all this java talk

can u provide a sample?

definitly scince i dont know much java

Oh, then you can't? Bummer

Oh, then you can't? Bummer

wait what i cant, i know i cant thats y i wanted a sample *confused* :?: :?: :?: :?: :?:

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