Well, I've been doing a bit of coding here and there. I mostly mastered the simple functions, such as loops and if checks and I have a fair understanding of classes and references. I also know about pointers and several other things regarding c++.

I also know how to work with objects as I've used Delphi 7 and several game engines to produce various mods and patches for games.

I am using Borland C++ 4.5 as my compiler and I would really like to see something more than a white screen with black text.

My question is, do I have enough knowledge to start working on simple programs that actually have an interface and how would I go about creating a basic library, or rather, how can I import basic objects and images into my programs? Do I need a new compiler? Which one would you recommend?

Borland 4.5 is very old. I'd recommend upgrading to a modern compiler such as Visual C++ Express or Code::Blocks (assuming you want a free option). Presumably you'll be working on a Windows platform, so a quick foundation in the Win32 API will get you started toward writing GUIs.

Well, there is a store nearby that sells software so I suppose I can buy a program, as long as it's not really expensive, so if you have any suggestions feel free to post them.

Thanks for the reply though, I'll be sure to check it out.

As for my skill, do you think it's enough to start on basic programs and games or should I learn about certain areas of c++ more?

>I suppose I can buy a program, as long as it's not really expensive
Commercial compilers are generally expensive.

>As for my skill, do you think it's enough to start on basic programs
>and games or should I learn about certain areas of c++ more?

You could probably use more experience with C++ before throwing complex graphical libraries into the mix, but that's just a gut feeling rather than any detailed review of the skills you so vaguely mentioned. The worst that could happen is you'll be confused, so don't feel like you can't try, if graphical programs are what you really want to write.

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