Ahoy Sailors!

So I'm making an application using py2exe, Now as we all may know files get a tad hefty, I've trimming un-needed modules, Compressed the remained and finally compressed the resulting exe with UPX. Currently I've built the file under Python2.3 (Earlier the version, The smaller the dll). However I'd like to save a few more KB's,

The broken down question is, Is it possible to include all files into a single exe using py2exe (0.4.1) and Python2.2? specifying typelib and the python dll sorts that problem, But I can't figure out how to get them pesky pyd files inside the executable.

Would anyone know?

Thanks Bye!

I don't know if it's possible, but I remember that python 2.3's garbage collector had memory leaks, so avoid python 2.3.

If so the only way I want to go is down, Using Python2.4 would increase the size considerably, I've googled around for ages and can't seem to find anything, You the reader are my last hope.

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