Hi, I need some help figuring out what's wrong with my code. I'm getting quite a few of syntax errors for missing ';' which I have and missing type identifier. This errors are happening on my intarray.h file for string declaration (line 34). I get more errors that still need to be fixed, which I want to solve them one at a time, but if anyone has some advice on those, they're welcome

This are my files:


#ifndef _INTARRAY_H
#define _INTARRAY_H

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

class IntArray 

	   //size of array
	   int size;

	   //pointer to hold array
	   int *index;

	   //limits for array
	   int low_index;
	   int high_index;

	   //set array according to constructors
	   void setArray(int h);
	   void setArray(int l, int h);
	   //variabe and methods to see if objects are equal
	   bool equality;
	   bool compareIndex(const IntArray& intAr);
	   //string to hold name of object
	   string name;	

	   IntArray(int i)


	   IntArray(int l, int h)
		   setArray(l, h);

	   IntArray(IntArray& intAr)
		   setArray(intAr.low(), intAr.high());

	   //set name of IntArray
	   void setName(string ch)		//this gives  a syntax error on identier string
		   name = ch;

	   //return name
	   string getName()		//this gives missing ';'- identifier type - missing return type
		   return name;

	   //return lower index
	   int low()
		   return low_index;

	   //return higher index
	   int high()
		   return high_index;

	   //return total size of array
	   int Index()
		   return size;

	   //overload [] to check index
	   int& operator[](int i);

	   //overloading = operator
	   void operator=(IntArray& intAr);

	   //overloading + operator
	   IntArray operator+(IntArray& intAr);

	   //overloading == operator to output boolean result
	   bool operator==(IntArray& intAr);

	   //overloading != operator to output boolean result
	   bool operator!=(IntArray& intAr);

	   //overloading += operator
	   void operator+=(IntArray& intAr);

	   //overload >> operator
		friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, IntArray& intAr);	//missing ';' error - missing type identifier - friend not permitted - syntax error on identifier 'ostream'

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
#include <stdlib.h>**/
#include <cmath>
#include "intarray.h"

using namespace std;

//set array numbers by high - low and adding 1 to the absolute value of the result
void IntArray::setArray(int l, int h)
	low_index = l;
	high_index = h;
	size = abs(high_index - low_index) + 1;
	index = new int[size];

void IntArray::setArray(int h)
	low_index = 0;
	high_index = h - 1;
	size = h;
	index = new int[size];

//overload [] and return location of item on desired index
int& IntArray::operator[](int i)
	if (i > high_index)
		cout << "Index out of range.  Valid indexes from" << low_index << " to " << high_index << ". " << endl;
		return index[abs(i - low_index)];

//overload operator = and return location of temporary created array
void IntArray::operator=(IntArray& intAr)
	if (!compareIndex(intAr))
		cout << "Runtime error: Lengths different." << endl;
		for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
			index[i] = intAr[i];

//overload + operator by adding each element of both arrays
IntArray IntArray::operator+(IntArray& intAr)
	IntArray Temp_Array(size);

	for (int i = 0; i < size; i ++)
		Temp_Array[i] = index[low_index + i] + intAr[intAr.low() + i];

	return Temp_Array;

//overload == operator to output result
bool IntArray::operator==(IntArray& intAr)
	equality = compareIndex(intAr);
	int counter = 0;

	while (equality)
		if (index[low_index + counter] != intAr[intAr.low() + counter])
			equality = false;


	return equality;	

//overload != operator to output result
bool IntArray::operator!=(IntArray& intAr)
	equality = compareIndex(intAr);
	int counter = 0;

	while (equality)
		if (index[low_index + counter] != intAr[intAr.low() + counter])
			equality = false;


	return !equality;

//overload +=operator
void IntArray::operator+=(IntArray& intAr)
	IntArray Temp_Array(size);

	for (int i = 0; i < size; i ++)
		index[low_index + i] = index[low_index + i] + intAr[intAr.low() + i];

ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, IntArray intAr)
	IntArray temp_Ar = intAr;

	os << temp_Ar.getName() << ": ";

	for (int i = 0; i < temp_Ar.Index(); i++)
		os << temp_Ar[temp_Ar.low() + i] << " ";

	os << endl;

	return os;

bool IntArray::compareIndex(const IntArray& intAr)
	return size == intAr.size;

This was provided by the teacher

// iadrv.h

#ifndef _IADRV_H
#define _IADRV_H

#include "intarray.h"

int main();
void test1();
void test2();
void test3();
void test4();
void test5();
void test6();
void test7();
void test8();
void test9();
void test10();
void test11();
void test12();
void test13();
void test14();
void test15();
void test16();
void test17();
void test18();
void test19();
void test20();
void wait();

// iadrv.cpp - driver program for testing IntArray class

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "iadrv.h"

using namespace std;

ofstream csis;

int main() 


void test1() 
    cout << "1. Array declared with single integer: IntArray a(10);" << endl << endl;
    csis << "1. Array declared with single integer: IntArray a(10);" << endl << endl;

    IntArray a(10);

	//set each element of arra a to their index*10
    for(int i = a.low(); i <= a.high(); i++)
        a[i] = i * 10;


    cout << a << endl;
    csis << a << endl;


void test2() 
    cout << "2. Array declared with two integers: IntArray b(-3, 6);" << endl << endl;
    csis << "2. Array declared with two integers: IntArray b(-3, 6);" << endl << endl;

    IntArray b(-3, 6);

	//set each element of arra a to their index*10
    for(int i = b.low(); i <= b.high(); i++)
        b[i] = i * 10;


    cout << b << endl;
    csis << b << endl;


void test3() 
    cout << "3. Array declared with two integers: IntArray c(6, 8);" << endl << endl;
    csis << "3. Array declared with two integers: IntArray c(6, 8);" << endl << endl;

    IntArray c(6, 8);

	//set each element of arra a to their index*10
    for(int i = c.low(); i <= c.high(); i++)
        c[i] = i * 10;


    cout << c << endl;
    csis << c << endl;


void test4() 
    cout << "4. Array declared with two identical integers: IntArray d(5, 5);" << endl << endl;
    csis << "4. Array declared with two identical integers: IntArray d(5, 5);" << endl << endl;

    IntArray d(5, 5);

	//set each element of arra a to their index*10
    for(int i = d.low(); i <= d.high(); i++)
        d[i] = i * 10;


    cout << d << endl;
    csis << d << endl;


void test5() 
    cout << "5. Array declared with no integers: IntArray z;" << endl << endl;
    csis << "5. Array declared with no integers: IntArray z;" << endl << endl;

    IntArray z;

	//set each element of arra a to their index*10
    for(int i = z.low(); i <= z.high(); i++)
        z[i] = i * 10;


    cout << z << endl;
    csis << z << endl;


void test6() 
    cout << "6. Array declared with another object of type IntArray: IntArray c(6, 8);" << endl;
    cout << "                                                        Intarray e(c);"    << endl << endl;
    csis << "6. Array declared with another object of type IntArray: IntArray c(6, 8);" << endl;
    csis << "                                                        Intarray e(c);"    << endl << endl;

    IntArray c(6, 8);

	//set each element of arra a to their index*10
    for(int i = c.low(); i <= c.high(); i++)
        c[i] = i * 10;


    cout << c << endl;
    csis << c << endl;

    IntArray e(c);


    cout << e << endl;   
    csis << e << endl;


void test7() 
    cout << "7. Array assigned to another array with different indices: IntArray f(1, 4);"  << endl;
    cout << "                                                           IntArray g(5, 8);"  << endl;
    cout << "                                                           f = g;"             << endl << endl;
    csis << "7. Array assigned to another array with different indices: IntArray f(1, 4);"  << endl;
    csis << "                                                           IntArray g(5, 8);"  << endl;
    csis << "                                                           f = g;"             << endl << endl;

    IntArray f(1, 4);

	//set each element of arra a to their index*10
	for(int i = f.low(); i <= f.high(); i++)
		f[i] = i * 10;


    cout << f << endl;
	csis << f << endl;
	IntArray g(5, 8);

	//set each element of arra a to their index*10
    for(int i = g.low(); i <= g.high(); i++)
        g[i] = i * 10;


    cout << g << endl;
    csis << g << endl;



    f = g;

    cout << f << endl;
    cout << g << endl;
    csis << f << endl;
    csis << g << endl;


void test8() 
    cout << "8. Multiple array assignment with different indices: IntArray j(3, 6);"  << endl;
    cout << "                                                     IntArray k(6, 9);"  << endl;
    cout << "                                                     IntArray l(1, 4);"  << endl;
    cout << "                                                     j = k = l;"         << endl << endl;
    csis << "8. Multiple array assignment with different indices: IntArray j(3, 6);"  << endl;
    csis << "                                                     IntArray k(6, 9);"  << endl;
    csis << "                                                     IntArray l(1, 4);"  << endl;
    csis << "                                                     j = k = l;"         << endl << endl;

    IntArray j(3, 6);
	//set each element of arra a to their index*10
    for(int i = j.low(); i <= j.high(); i++)
        j[i] = i * 10;


    cout << j << endl;
    csis << j << endl;

    IntArray k(6, 9);

	//set each element of arra a to their index*10
    for(int i = k.low(); i <= k.high(); i++)
        k[i] = i * 10;


    cout << k << endl;
    csis << k << endl;

    IntArray l(1, 4);

	//set each element of arra a to their index*10
	for(int i = l.low(); i <= l.high(); i++)
        l[i] = i * 10;


    cout << l << endl;
    csis << l << endl;



    j = k = l;

    cout << j << endl;
    cout << k << endl;
    cout << l << endl;
    csis << j << endl;
    csis << k << endl;
    csis << l << endl;


void test9() 
    cout << "9. Overloaded equality operator (identical elements): IntArray m(3, 7);"  << endl;
    cout << "                                                      IntArray n(1, 5);"  << endl;
    cout << "                                                      m == n"             << endl << endl;
    csis << "9. Overloaded equality operator (identical elements): IntArray m(3, 7);"  << endl;
    csis << "                                                      IntArray n(1, 5);"  << endl;
    csis << "                                                      m == n"             << endl << endl;

    IntArray m(3, 7);

	//set each element of arra a to their index*10
    for(int i = m.low(); i <= m.high(); i++)
        m[i] = i * 10;


    cout << m << endl;
    csis << m << endl;

    IntArray n(1, 5);

	//set each element of arra a to their index*10
	for(int i = n.low(); i <= n.high(); i++)
        n[i] = i * 10;


    cout << n << endl;
    csis << n << endl;



    m = n;

    cout << m << endl;
    cout << n << endl;
    cout << "Returns " << (m == n ? "True." : "False.") << endl << endl;
    csis << m << endl;
    csis << n << endl;
    csis << "Returns " << (m == n ? "True." : "False.") << endl << endl;


void test10() 
    cout << "10. Overloaded equality operator (different elements): IntArray o(3, 7);"  << endl;
    cout << "                                                       IntArray p(1, 5);"  << endl;
    cout << "                                                       o == p"             << endl << endl;
    csis << "10. Overloaded equality operator (different elements): IntArray o(3, 7);"  << endl;
    csis << "                                                       IntArray p(1, 5);"  << endl;
    csis << "                                                       o == p"             << endl << endl;

    IntArray o(3, 7);

	//set each element of arra a to their index*10
	for(int i = o.low(); i <= o.high(); i++)
        o[i] = i * 10;


    cout << o << endl;
    csis << o << endl;

    IntArray p(1, 5);

	//set each element of arra a to their index*10
	for(int i = p.low(); i <= p.high(); i++)
        p[i] = i * 10;


    cout << p << endl;
    cout << "Returns " << (o == p ? "True." : "False.") << endl << endl;
    csis << p << endl;
    csis << "Returns " << (o == p ? "True." : "False.") << endl << endl;


void test11() {

    cout << "11. Overloaded equality operator (different size arrays): IntArray q(1, 3);"  << endl;
    cout << "                                                          IntArray r(1, 4);"  << endl;
    cout << "                                                          q == r;"    << endl << endl;
    csis << "11. Overloaded equality operator (different size arrays): IntArray q(1, 3);"  << endl;
    csis << "                                                          IntArray r(1, 4);"  << endl;
    csis << "                                                          q == r;"    << endl << endl;

    IntArray q(1, 3);

    for(int i = q.low(); i <= q.high(); i++)
        q[i] = i * 10;


    cout << q << endl;
    csis << q << endl;

    IntArray r(1, 4);

    for(int i = r.low(); i <= r.high(); i++)
        r[i] = i * 10;


    cout << r << endl;
    cout << "Returns " << (q == r ? "True." : "False.") << endl << endl;
    csis << r << endl;
    csis << "Returns " << (q == r ? "True." : "False.") << endl << endl;


void test12() 
    cout << "12. Overloaded inequality operator (identical elements): IntArray s(3, 7);" << endl;
    cout << "                                                         IntArray t(1, 5);" << endl;
    cout << "                                                         s != t;"           << endl << endl;
    csis << "12. Overloaded inequality operator (identical elements): IntArray s(3, 7);" << endl;
    csis << "                                                         IntArray t(1, 5);" << endl;
    csis << "                                                         s != t;"           << endl << endl;

    IntArray s(3, 7);

    for(int i = s.low(); i <= s.high(); i++)
        s[i] = i * 10;


    cout << s << endl;
    csis << s << endl;

    IntArray t(1, 5);

    for(int i = t.low(); i <= t.high(); i++)
        t[i] = i * 10;


    cout << t << endl;
    csis << t << endl;



    s = t;

    cout << s << endl;
    cout << t << endl;
    cout << "Returns " << (s != t ? "True." : "False.") << endl << endl;
    csis << s << endl;
    csis << t << endl;
    csis << "Returns " << (s != t ? "True." : "False.") << endl << endl;


void test13() 
    cout << "13. Overloaded inequality operator (different elements): IntArray u(3, 7);" << endl;
    cout << "                                                         IntArray v(1, 5);" << endl;
    cout << "                                                         u != v;"           << endl << endl;
    csis << "13. Overloaded inequality operator (different elements): IntArray u(3, 7);" << endl;
    csis << "                                                         IntArray v(1, 5);" << endl;
    csis << "                                                         u != v;"           << endl << endl;

	IntArray u(3, 7);

    for(int i = u.low(); i <= u.high(); i++)
        u[i] = i * 10;


    cout << u << endl;
    csis << u << endl;

    IntArray v(1, 5);

    for(int i = v.low(); i <= v.high(); i++)
        v[i] = i * 10;


    cout << v << endl;
    cout << "Returns " << (u != v ? "True." : "False.") << endl << endl;
    csis << v << endl;
    csis << "Returns " << (u != v ? "True." : "False.") << endl << endl;


void test14() 
    cout << "14. Overloaded inequality operator (different size arrays): IntArray w(1, 3);" << endl;
    cout << "                                                            IntArray x(1, 4);" << endl;
    cout << "                                                            w != x;"           << endl << endl;
    csis << "14. Overloaded inequality operator (different size arrays): IntArray w(1, 3);" << endl;
    csis << "                                                            IntArray x(1, 4);" << endl;
    csis << "                                                            w != x;"           << endl << endl;

    IntArray w(1, 3);

    for(int i = w.low(); i <= w.high(); i++)
        w[i] = i * 10;


    cout << w << endl;
    csis << w << endl;

    IntArray x(1, 4);

    for(int i = x.low(); i <= x.high(); i++)
        x[i] = i * 10;


    cout << x << endl;
    cout << "Returns " << (w != x ? "True." : "False.") << endl << endl;
    csis << x << endl;
    csis << "Returns " << (w != x ? "True." : "False.") << endl << endl;


void test15() 
    cout << "15. Sum of two arrays assigned to third array: IntArray a(1, 5);"   << endl;
    cout << "                                               IntArray b(4, 8);"   << endl;
    cout << "                                               IntArray c = a + b;" << endl << endl;
    csis << "15. Sum of two arrays assigned to third array: IntArray a(1, 5);"   << endl;
    csis << "                                               IntArray b(4, 8);"   << endl;
    csis << "                                               IntArray c = a + b;" << endl << endl;

    IntArray a(1, 5);

    for(int i = a.low(); i <= a.high(); i++)
        a[i] = i * 10;


    cout << a << endl;
    csis << a << endl;

    IntArray b(4, 8);

    for(int i = b.low(); i <= b.high(); i++)
        b[i] = i * 10;


    cout << b << endl;
    csis << b << endl;



    IntArray c = a + b;


    cout << c << endl;
    csis << c << endl;


void test16() 
    cout << "16. Sum of two arrays assigned to first array: IntArray d(10, 13);" << endl;
    cout << "                                               IntArray e(30, 33);" << endl;
    cout << "                                               d += e;"             << endl << endl;
    csis << "16. Sum of two arrays assigned to first array: IntArray d(10, 13);" << endl;
    csis << "                                               IntArray e(30, 33);" << endl;
    csis << "                                               d += e;"             << endl << endl;

    IntArray d(10, 13);

    for(int i = d.low(); i <= d.high(); i++)
        d[i] = i * 10;


    cout << d << endl;
    csis << d << endl;

    IntArray e(30, 33);

    for(int i = e.low(); i <= e.high(); i++)
        e[i] = i * 10;


    cout << e << endl;
    csis << e << endl;

    d += e;

    cout << d << endl;
    csis << d << endl;


void test17() 
    cout << "17. Array declared with illegal array bounds: IntArray f(5, 2);" << endl << endl;
    csis << "17. Array declared with illegal array bounds: IntArray f(5, 2);" << endl << endl;

    IntArray f(5, 2);

    for(int i = f.low(); i <= f.high(); i++)
        f[i] = i * 10;


    cout << f << endl;
    csis << f << endl;


void test18() 
    cout << "18. Array with index out of range: IntArray g(10);"    << endl;
    cout << "                                   g[10] = 1;"         << endl << endl;
    csis << "18. Array with index out of range: IntArray g(10);"    << endl;
    csis << "                                   g[10] = 1;"         << endl << endl;

    IntArray g(10);

    for(int i = g.low(); i <= g.high(); i++)
        g[i] = i * 10;


    cout << g << endl;
    csis << g << endl;

    g[10] = 1;



void test19() 
    cout << "19. Arrays with length mismatch: IntArray m(1, 4);" << endl;
    cout << "                                 IntArray n(2, 4);" << endl;
    cout << "                                 m = n;"            << endl << endl;
    csis << "19. Arrays with length mismatch: IntArray m(1, 4);" << endl;
    csis << "                                 IntArray n(2, 4);" << endl;
    csis << "                                 m = n;"            << endl << endl;

    IntArray m(1, 4);

    for(int i = m.low(); i <= m.high(); i++)
        m[i] = i * 10;


    cout << m << endl;
    csis << m << endl;

    IntArray n(2, 4);

    for(int i = n.low(); i <= n.high(); i++)
        n[i] = i * 10;


    cout << n << endl;
    csis << n << endl;



    m = n;

    cout << m << endl;
    cout << n << endl;
    csis << m << endl;
    csis << n << endl;


void test20() 
    cout << "20. Array subscript operator: IntArray o(7, 8);" << endl;
    cout << "                              o[7] = 25;"        << endl;
    cout << "                              o[8] = o[7];"      << endl << endl;
    csis << "20. Array subscript operator: IntArray o(7, 8);" << endl;
    csis << "                              o[7] = 25;"        << endl;
    csis << "                              o[8] = o[7];"      << endl << endl;

    IntArray o(7, 8);

    for(int i = o.low(); i <= o.high(); i++)
        o[i] = i * 10;


    cout << o << endl;
    csis << o << endl;

    o[7] = 25;

    o[8] = o[7];

    cout << o << endl;
    csis << o << endl;


void wait() 
    char buf;

    cout << "Press any key to continue." << endl;

I looked at your header file and you need to add std:: to string so that it reads


Remember your not using namespace std here because its a header file.

I agree with gerard, the std:: is missing for all uses of string and istream or ostream in the header file. Also, the #include <string.h> should be #include <string> because the former is a C library without std::string.

**try to _only_ post the _relevant_ code**

Thanks, i added the std to the string and i/ostream calls and it took all the syntax and missing type errors. Now I'm getting the linker errors 2019 and 1120. I came across on my last homework and fixed them by changing some settings on the linker. It had to do with being working with a windows application settings instead of with console settings.

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