Hi all,

Thanks for reading my post!

So up until now I've been using Emacs (or Aquamacs on my Mac - essentially the same thing) for software development and I really do find that I can work very quickly with it. Recently, I've been thinking that maybe there is something better out there in terms of an IDE. I program in C++, but also in Python and Java so I need something that will support these.

Here's what I would like to see:
1. A good debugger or interface with gdb (I use gdb on emacs and it's great)
2. Some UML capabilities (especially I would love a program that can take source code and turn it into UML diagrams)
3. Cross platform (I use OSX, windows, and a linux machine)
4. Can interact directly with g++ (i.e. the gcc compiler package)
5. Has some project capabilities (i.e. project tree, quick navigation)
and finally (and please don't flame me for saying this :) ):
6. Is not garbage. I know software developers work really hard on their programs but to me using code::blocks or dev-c++ just doesn't cut it.

Anyway I know it's a long shot but hey, if you have a suggestion please feel free to offer your advice. I'd love to know what other programmers are using and why they like it. I've considered Eclipse and if all else fails I'll give it a whirl (learn the interface and commands and take it from there). Also, if you are recommending something and you know of a good source (other than the documentation online of course) for learning it please feel free to let me know.

Also, if you use Emacs how the hell do you get CEDET to work??? I've been struggling with it since it conflicts with the semantic package included in Emacs. I get "autoloading failed to define function semantic-mode". Or maybe there's another package I can use that can give me some UML / project management capabilities for emacs?

Thanks for reading my post, I look forward to hearing your replies!!!

>>3. Cross platform (I use OSX, windows, and a linux machine)
That pretty-much limits the IDEs that are available on all three platforms.

IMHO VC++ 2010 is the best IDE for MS-Windows, although Code::Blocks is ok too. Neither of them support multiple languages such as Java etc. But for C and C++ I don't think you will find a better IDE. And the VC++ 2010's debugger can't be beat.

>>2. Some UML capabilities (especially I would love a program that can take source code and turn it into UML diagrams)
That's not the job of a compiler and its IDEs. You can get other program to do that, and it doesn't need to be cross-platform capable.

I heard many good things about VC++ however I need something that is cross platform since I use mostly Mac and Linux, and occasionally Windows (mostly for testing). Most of my coding is done on my Mac (same reason why I'd prefer to avoid Xcode is due to the fact that sometimes I'll work on my linux machine).

>>3. Cross platform (I use OSX, windows, and a linux machine)
That pretty-much limits the IDEs that are available on all three platforms.

IMHO VC++ 2010 is the best IDE for MS-Windows, although Code::Blocks is ok too. Neither of them support multiple languages such as Java etc. But for C and C++ I don't think you will find a better IDE. And the VC++ 2010's debugger can't be beat.

>>2. Some UML capabilities (especially I would love a program that can take source code and turn it into UML diagrams)
That's not the job of a compiler and its IDEs. You can get other program to do that, and it doesn't need to be cross-platform capable.

Thanks again, but I never mentioned it was the IDE's job to generate UML. I simply asked if someone knows of an IDE that includes this functionality

I develop code on Mac and Linux for unix platform, and mainly server side code, so i have very little(actually none) experience with GUI development, anyway, I use Eclipse on centos and mac. Never tried any IDE or any development on windows ;)

I also like netbean.

IMHO use netbean for java, eclipse for c++ and java. :)

I develop code on Mac and Linux for unix platform, and mainly server side code, so i have very little(actually none) experience with GUI development, anyway, I use Eclipse on centos and mac. Never tried any IDE or any development on windows ;)

I also like netbean.

IMHO use netbean for java, eclipse for c++ and java. :)

Thanks! Yea it looks like Eclipse might be the best alternative to check out... I'll take a look at some documentation and see how it fits my needs. Thanks again for your input!

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