The point of the program I am making is to have a pure abstract base class called BasicShape and have 2 child classes, Circle and Rectangle. I have the program written but with one unresolved error.

Main.cpp file

#include "Pure.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
	Circle pizza(2,2,10);
	Rectangle box(10,5);
	cout << "The Circle's information: " << endl;
	cout << "Center x = " << pizza.getCenterX() << endl;
	cout << "Center y = " << pizza.getCenterY() << endl;
	cout << "Area = " << pizza.getArea() << endl << endl << endl;

	cout << "The Rectangle's information: " << endl;
	cout << "Length = " << box.getLength() << endl;
	cout << "Width = " << box.getWidth() << endl;
	cout << "Area = " << box.getArea() << endl;

.H file

#ifndef PURE_H
#define PURE_H

class BasicShape {
	double area;
	double getArea() const;
	virtual void calcArea() ; //used to make BasicShape a pure abstract base class


class Circle : public BasicShape {
	long centerX;
	long centerY;
	double radius;
	Circle(long, long, double);
	long getCenterX() const;
	long getCenterY() const;
	virtual void calcArea() ;


class Rectangle : public BasicShape {
	long width;
	long length;
	long getWidth() const;
	long getLength() const;
	virtual void calcArea() ;



.cpp file

#include "Pure.h"

double BasicShape :: getArea() const {
	return area;

Circle::Circle(long x, long y,double r) {
	centerX = x;
	centerY = y;
	radius = r;

long Circle::getCenterX() const {
	return centerX;

long Circle::getCenterY() const {
	return centerY;

void Circle::calcArea()  {
	area = 3.14159 * radius * radius;

Rectangle::Rectangle(long L, long W) {
	length = L;
	width = W;

long Rectangle::getWidth() const {
	return width;

long Rectangle::getLength() const {
	return length;

void Rectangle::calcArea()  {
	area = length * width;

The error I get is this: Error 1 error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall BasicShape::calcArea(void)" (?calcArea@BasicShape@@UAEXXZ)
Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

You should make calcArea a pure virual funtion, by defining it as:

virtual void calcArea() = 0;

Right now the compiler thinks that this function is unimplemented. The calcArea in the derived shapes don't necessarily need to be virual.

Thanks, that helped a lot.

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