My application uses many Activex control .
which do the file handling on client machine.
If the application is run on IE than it works fine but in firefox / opera it doesn't as it requires plug inns for Activex which i used.
Now i want to replace these activex control so that the application may run on all browser as i donn't want to install plug inns.
So is there any other way to do that without using Activex .

Please do the needfull ASAP


What language are you using,, vb6, php, java etc.?

I am using c#.

I will ask the moderators to move your question to c#. I'm sure you will receive an answer from there promptly.:)

It really depends on what your ActiveX controls are doing. You might be able to do it all with just code behind, but I doubt it. Most likely you will have to look at Javascript and AJAX.

Have you tried SilverLight? SilverLight has the ability to write rich client side controls in .Net.

It really depends on what your ActiveX controls are doing. You might be able to do it all with just code behind, but I doubt it. Most likely you will have to look at Javascript and AJAX.

Activex controls do the file handling at client machine.
I think so that with javascript we can do the file handling at client side with the help of Activex.
But i dont want to use Activex.
Is there any to do that with Ajax without Activex .
If yes than please tell..

Thanks in Advance

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