
I got a compile error of incompatible types - lang.object is found but int expected on line 21. But when i put int in front of square, it says .class error:/

P.S. I didn't write everything here, I got some codes from other programs:P

import java.util.ArrayList;

   A magic square is an n x n matrix which, if filled with numbers,
   the sum of the elements in each row, each column,
   and the two diagonal is the same value.
public class Square
      Construct a Square object.
      @param input the list of numbers
   public Square(ArrayList input)
      size = (int) Math.sqrt(input.size());
      square = new int[size][size];

      for (int i = 0; i < size ; i++)
         for (int j = 0; j < size ; j++)
            square[i][j] = input.get(i * size + j);

      Display the contents of the square.
      @param the ith row
      @param the jth column
      @return a string represenation of the square
   public String toString(int i, int j)
      String s = "   " + square[i][j]; 
      return s.substring(s.length() - 3, s.length());

      Search for a number in the square.
      @param n the number to search for
      @return if the number is found, false otherwise
   public boolean found(int n)
      for (int i = 0; i < size ; i++)
         for (int j = 0; j < size ; j++)
            if (square[i][j] == n)
               return true;
      return false;

      Add the numbers in the square.
      @param i the row/column to add
      @param row determines if a row or column should be added
      @return sum the sum of the row/column
   public int add(int i, boolean row)
      int sum = 0;

      for (int j = 0; j < size; j++)
         if (row)
            sum = sum + square[i][j];
            sum = sum + square[j][i];
      return sum;

      Find the sum of the diagonal.
      @param mainDiagonal determine if it is the main diagonal
      @return sum the sum of the diagonal
   public int diagonalSum(boolean mainDiagonal)
      int sum = 0;
      for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
         int j;
         if (mainDiagonal)
            j = i;
            j = size - 1 - i;
         sum = sum + square[i][j];
      return sum;

      Determine if the square is a magic square.
      @return true if square is a magic square, false otherwise
   public boolean isMagic()
      for (int n = 1; n <= size * size; n++)
         if (!found(n))
            return false;
      int sum = diagonalSum(true);

      if (sum != diagonalSum(false))
         return false;
      for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
         if (sum != add(i, true))
            return false;
         if (sum != add(i, false))
            return false;
      return true;

   private int[][] square;
   private int size;

And what are these compiler errors? Do not just expect people to run your application and find for their selfs...

He did say the error, but didn't use quotes or bold. "incompatible types - lang.object is found but int expected"

This is because the function get(int i) for an ArrayList returns an Object, not an int, wheras the array only accepts ints.

its the same as putting: ArrayList<Object> input, rather than something like: ArrayList<Integer> input.

If you dont want to use generics, you must tell the compiler what the Object is using a cast (Class):


note that this is more dangerous than using genericsv ( the <> specifying what class you arraylist is for), as you can add a double, and then when compiling the cast will fail!

He did say the error, but didn't use quotes or bold. "incompatible types - lang.object is found but int expected"

This is because the function get(int i) for an ArrayList returns an Object, not an int, wheras the array only accepts ints.

its the same as putting: ArrayList<Object> input, rather than something like: ArrayList<Integer> input.

If you dont want to use generics, you must tell the compiler what the Object is using a cast (Class):


note that this is more dangerous than using genericsv ( the <> specifying what class you arraylist is for), as you can add a double, and then when compiling the cast will fail!

When I tried (int)input.get(i) I got inconvertible types found: lang.object but required: int

square[i][j] = (Integer)input.get(i * size + j);

sorry, pesky java, cast to Integer not int

ArrayList<Integer> would still be a better option

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