ok so I have to make that toggleCircusStatus() gives me the opposite of fromCircus

Write a public method called toggleCircusStatus that negates the value of the circusStatus variable.


public class Elephant extends Mammal
	private boolean fromCircus;

		public Elephant()
			fromCircus = false;


		public Elephant ( String n , int a ,  boolean C)
			fromCircus = C;


		public String speak()
			return "STAMP STAMP STAMP";


		public String toString()
			return "ELEPHANT\n"  + super.toString() + "\nSOUND:\t" + speak() + "\nStatus:\t" + getCircusStatus();


		private String getCircusStatus()
			if(fromCircus = true)
				return "Circus Elephant";
				return "Wild Elephant";


		public void toggleCircusStatus()
		{//If it's true make it false and if it's false make it true.

			if (fromCircus = true)
				fromCircus = false;

			if (fromCircus = false)
				fromCircus = true;


That's one way to do it, all right. There's one problem of syntax - you want to use the Double-Equals of Comparison, rather than the Single-Equals of Assignment.

But there's also a little problem of logic. What happens if fromCircus starts out as true? This can be repaired with a one-word change to your code. I bet you can figure it out.

It's also a little more complicated than is strictly necessary, but that's okay. It could be more complicated, if you tried.
Like maybe this:

public void toggleCircusStatus()
	{//If it's true make it false and if it's false make it true.
		fromCircus=(fromCircus.toString().length()/2)*2 < fromCircus;

Or I'm sure I could come up with even more complications to fold in there if I were in the mood.

Anyway, was there a question in there?

yep yep!
"=" (single equal sign) is an Assignment operator.
"==" (double equal sign) is a Conditional operator.

if (fromCircus = true)
	fromCircus = false;
if (fromCircus = false)
	fromCircus = true;

Using "=" instead of "==" in the if condition is a common programming error :p

And heyyy, i have something to say...
instead of complicating things, why not make it simpler! :p

public void toggleCircusStatus(){
	fromCircus = !fromCircus;
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