Dear Friends, Could anyone of you write code for my attached project plz.

What I need all is:

1. Balance Amount should be updated whenever a new cheque amount entered

2. Search button should be able to search the dates either it is a invoice date or a cheque date and return the search result in a MSFlexGrid form.

Please modify the attached project and send it back...

Though it is really a hard job but as I am new to VB I have to seek some help from friends..

Millions of thanks for any help in this regard....

Sorry but i cant see many people, actually downloading your project and doing the rest for you, if you post code and ask for help with problems here, most people are glad to help, but they wont do your work for you

lol you'd think with the stunning silence to his/her requests that this would be obvious to him/her.

Will somebody come to work and do my job for me?

Sure, as long as you come over here and change my kids nappy when he smells. :mrgreen:

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