I am working on a folder maze generator, where you press [Generate] and in the folder that the application is in, 2 folders are created, named 1, and 2. In each of those folders is up to 4 folders. This is supposed to continue until there is a max of 2048 folders reached, and randomly in one of the folders there is going to be a file called Exit.txt, and if you find it, you win. The problem is.. I HAVE NO FKING IDEA HOW TO DO THIS. I suck at loops and arrays, and I absolutely do NOT want to bruteforce this.

Any code examples, experienced members, etc?

seems like it's the right time for recursion. There plenty of examples with it everywhere, so find it, take a shot to make something in your direction .. I'm here to help if you'll meet any dificulties :)

I made a folder maze without the folder maze generator and it is really cool

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