i want to make a program that has a player take on the computer in a game of Rock Paper Scissors. The GUI should have an appropriate lable at the top. it should allow the player to select his or her weapon of choice. program should have a fight button that when clicked has the computer select either rock, paper or scissors at random and displays the results of the battle

here is my code could ya'll show we what to do

import random
Name = raw_input ("Enter Name here: ") 
print "Hello " + Name + "! I am a python script specialy designed for a game called rock paper scissors!"
answer = raw_input ("Do you want to play? : ")
if answer == ("yes"):
    print "Okay! Lets play!"
    PC = raw_input ("Choose rock, paper, or scissors: ")
    rand = random.randint(1, 3) #1 means rock, 2 means paper, 3 means scissors
    if PC == ("rock"):
        if rand == (1):
            print "Tie game!"
        elif rand == 2:
            print "Game lost!"
        elif rand == 3:
            print "Game Win!"
    if PC == ("paper"):
        if rand == 2:
            print "Tie game!"
        elif rand == 3:
            print "Game lost!"
        elif rand == 1:
            print "Game Win!"
    if PC == ("scissors"):
        if rand == 3:
            print "Tie game!"
        elif rand == 1:
            print "Game lost!"
        elif rand == 2:
            print "Game Win!"
else :
    print "aww!"
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