I need example parking system with C++ programming
- logIn
- record, incoming vehicles
- records, out of vehicle
- parking fees

if there is a more complete I am very grateful :D
I hope friends can help me, thanks

We won't do your homework for you. Without you showing a decent amount of code you have written (ie. effort), we will only link you to places that can get you on the right track, and we will NOT give you bits of code. Sorry, but it's the rules.

We won't do your homework for you. Without you showing a decent amount of code you have written (ie. effort), we will only link you to places that can get you on the right track, and we will NOT give you bits of code. Sorry, but it's the rules.

you can help me, thanks
I wait

we won't help you, learn
me, patient

You show effort.
I wait.

commented: Nice +5
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