you can delete my request but not the thread i want deleted which makes less sense than the request thread. Please delete it

This is a quality post, someone make it a sticky ;)

Ive never known a forum run this badly. It makes no sense.

It's actually very well run. But you need to issue your request properly. If you want a post deleted, use the "Flag Bad Post" button to report it and place your request in the report. This statement/report posts directly to the moderators forum for them to more-easily see and react to.

yes daniweb is not user friendly and it should allow its users to delete their thread
i hate daniweb for this reason and surely it will be loosing its fame if daniweb continues in this fasion

commented: Thread bump an 1 year old thread, accusing Daniweb for something that the user should be careful about in the first place, posting prophecies about Daniweb's endings... What a quality post. -1

yes daniweb is not user friendly and it should allow its users to delete their thread

Yeah, allowing members to arbitrarily destroy the continuity of the forum and alter other members' posts on a whim is such a fantastic idea... :rolleyes: You sound very selfish, dude.

By the way, I'll be happy to delete any thread if there's a good reason for it. I've requested a good reason multiple times and you've completely failed to provide one. So I don't think the problem here is Daniweb's policies.

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