I was just a bit confused about something sorry. If you have two classes, Ribbon1 and ThisAddIN below. How can I call Example()?
- All are in the same namespace..

public partial class Ribbon1

        private void button1_Click_1(object sender, RibbonControlEventArgs e)
            //Call Example() from ThisAddIn Class

public partial class ThisAddIn
        public void Example()
        //Do x,y,z etc

Obviously I've tried running something like:

ThisAddIn test = new ThisAddIn();

I think i'm missing something basic as I don't really work with multiple classes. Mybe this would work?! I just want to know the most appropriate way to do this really..

public partial class Ribbon1 : ThisAddIn

        private void button1_Click_1(object sender, RibbonControlEventArgs e)
            //Call Example() from ThisAddIn Class

public partial class ThisAddIn
        public void Example()
        //Do x,y,z etc

Thank you

Unless the method is static, you need an object to call it on. How you go about accessing the method (static, instance, inheritance, etc...) really depends on your design. How do these two classes relate and interact in your application?

You were almost there, tou just needed a line of code (using the first way):

public partial class Ribbon1
        private void button1_Click_1(object sender, RibbonControlEventArgs e)
            ThisAddIn test = new ThisAddIn();

public partial class ThisAddIn
        public void Example()
            //Do x,y,z etc


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