09:00 Johnny Bravo
10:25 Dexter laboratory
11:55 Cow & Chicken
18:10 I am weasel

Anyone knows a method to implement if i enter 10:30 to print whats on at that hour? (Cow & CHicken in my case)


Surely you mean "Dexter laboratory" is on at 10:30.

Convert from HH:MM to pure minutes. Find the first entry which is in the future (which is Cow & Chicken) and select the one before that. Unless it's the first entry (as if you typed in 8:45) in which case you output an error message.

Sorry,yes i ment Dexter :) I was thinking the same think now,to convert to minutes,like you said. I guess is the best aproach,thanks

Why cant you calculate the time interval for the shows and know how long a show takes so that you can provide how many minutes left for a show to end and start of a new show.

Very easy and handy it will.

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