Write a program that read a line of text, changes each uppercase letter to lowercase and places each letter both in a queue and onto a stack.
The program should then verify whether the line of text is a palindrome


Please enter a line of text
I am A.I

i AM a.i

This is a palindrome


How do i change the capital letter to smaller letter as above output example??? wat function i should add??
i using fstream should i do to change which i can enter text by my own??

thanks 4 helping..

My answers below:-

#include <cstdlib> // For EXIT_FAILURE and EXIT_SUCCESS
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
const int MAX=50;    // initialize max string size of 50 characters
typedef char StackElement;  // define StackElement
typedef char QueueElement;  // define QueueElement
class Stack
	Stack(){top=-1;arr[MAX]=0;}   // default stack constructor
		void push(StackElement & ch);  // push function
		StackElement topNpop();         // top and pop functions combined
		bool empty() const;            // empty function
		StackElement arr[MAX];    // define char array
		int	top;                  // define int top
FUNCTION: push()
DESCRIPTION: Pushes an element onto the stack
PRECONDITION: Waiting for function call
POSTCONTION: New element character on top of stack
inline void Stack::push(StackElement & ch)
		top++;          // increment top
		arr[top]=ch;  // push onto stack
		cout<<"Stack is full.\n";  // display stack is full

FUNCTION: topNpop()
DESCRIPTION: Reads and pops top element off the stack
PRECONDIION: Waiting for function call
POSTCONDITION:  One element read and removed fromt he stack
RETURN: Top element from stack

inline StackElement Stack::topNpop()
		return(arr[top]);  // returns top element
		top--;				// remove froms stack
		cout<<"Stack is empty.\n";  // display stack is empty


FUNCTION: empty()
DESCRIPTION: returns result value if stack is empty
PRECONDITION: result=false
POSTCONDITION: result may be true or remain false
RETURN: result if true or false
inline bool Stack::empty() const
	bool result=false;   // initialize bool as false
	if (top==-1)         
		result=true;        // if top is -1 return result true
		return(result);     // else return false
class Queue                           // Queue class
		Queue(){front=0, back=0;arr[MAX]=0;}   // Queue default constructor
		void addq(QueueElement & ch);          // define addq 
		QueueElement frontNremoveq();         // define frontNremove
		QueueElement arr[MAX];            // initialize QueueElement array
		int front, back;                  // initialize int front and back
FUNCTION: addq()
DESCRIPTION: adds an element onto the queue
PRECONDITION: Waiting for element to add
POSTCONDITION: New element now on the queue
inline void Queue::addq(QueueElement &ch)
		arr[back]=ch;     // add element to back of queue
		cerr<<"Error Queue is full\n";  // display queue is full
FUNCTION: frontNremoveq()
DESCRIPTION: reads and removes front element from queue
PRECONDITION: front pointing to front of queue
POSTCONDITION: front element is returned and then incremented
inline QueueElement Queue::frontNremoveq()
		return(arr[front]);    // return front element
		front++;				// remove front element
		cout<<"Queue is empty.\n";  // display queue is empty

int main()
	Stack S;	// initialize stack
	Queue Q;	// initialize queue
string s;
	int i=0;	// initialze int 'i'
	char string[MAX];  // initialize char string
	bool RESULT=false;  // initilize bool RESULT to false

ifstream inside ("palindromeinput.txt");
  if (! inside.is_open())
  { cout << "Error opening file"; exit (1); }

  while (! inside.eof() )
    inside.getline (string,100);
    cout << string << endl;

		S.push(string[i]);  // push chars individually from string to
		Q.addq(string[i]);		// stack and queue
		i++;      // next char
		if(S.topNpop()==Q.frontNremoveq())  // compare each element from
		{										// stack and queue
			RESULT=true;  // if same for all chars return true
			RESULT=false;  // if not same for any char break and return false

		cout<<string<<" is a palindrome\n";  // display if true
		cout<<string<<" is not a palindrome\n"; // display if false

ofstream outside ("palindromeoutput.txt");
  if (outside.is_open())
	 outside << string;
    outside<< string;
  return 0;

How do i change the capital letter to smaller letter as above output example

use tolower() to convert a character to lower-case. It only works on one character, so if you want to convert a whole string to lower case you have to create a loop to iterate each character. Here is a c++ example.

#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cctype>
using namespace std;

int main()
	string str = "UPPER-CASE";
	cout << str << endl;
	return 0;

I'm not terribly STL-savvy, what is this error telling me?

//Error E2285 testpp.cpp 11: Could not find a match for 'transform<InputIterator1,InputIterator2,OutputIterator,BinaryOperation>(char *,char *,char *,charT (*)(charT,const locale &))' in function main()

...while I continue searching for an answer on my own...

[edit]Found this :


template<class InIt, class OutIt, class Fn1>
    OutIt [B]transform[/B](InIt first, InIt last, OutIt dest,
        Fn1 func);
template<class InIt1, class InIt2, class OutIt,
    class Fn2>
    OutIt [B]transform[/B](InIt1 first1, InIt1 last1,
        InIt2 first2, OutIt dest, Fn2 func);

The first template function evaluates *(dest + N) = func(*(first + N)) once for each N in the range [0, last - first). It then returns dest + (last - first). The call func(*(first + N)) must not alter *(first + N).

The second template function evaluates *(dest + N) = func(*(first1 + N), *(first2 + N)) once for each N in the range [0, last1 - first1). It then returns dest + (last1 - first1). The call func(*(first1 + N), *(first2 + N)) must not alter either *(first1 + N) or *(first2 + N).

[Dani - Here I really miss the fixed fonts! Follow the dinkumware link and note my previous replies as to why. Oh, and font sizes would have been beneficial as well.]

[edit=2] Ahh .

I'm not terribly STL-savvy, what is this error telling me?

//Error E2285 testpp.cpp 11: Could not find a match for 'transform<InputIterator1,InputIterator2,OutputIterator,BinaryOperation>(char *,char *,char *,charT (*)(charT,const locale &))' in function main()

...while I continue searching for an answer on my own...

Dev-C++ (gcc) has a compiler bug

Dev-C++ (gcc) has a compiler bug

Borland must have the same bug then.

use tolower() to convert a character to lower-case. It only works on one character, so if you want to convert a whole string to lower case you have to create a loop to iterate each character. Here is a c++ example.

#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cctype>
using namespace std;

int main()
	string str = "UPPER-CASE";
	cout << str << endl;
	return 0;

this what i have done...
still hv some problems... output:-
Please enter a line of text:
i am not a.i
i am not a.i
This is a palindrome <-----it must be this is not a palindrome(uncorrect answers)
Press any key to continue

2. how to use the touppercase() n tolowercase()combine as below???

I am A.I

i AM a.i

#include <cstdlib> // For EXIT_FAILURE and EXIT_SUCCESS
#include <fstream>

#include <algorithm>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cctype>

using namespace std;

const int MAX=50;    // initialize max string size of 50 characters
typedef char StackElement;  // define StackElement
typedef char QueueElement;  // define QueueElement
class Stack
	Stack(){top=-1;arr[MAX]=0;}   // default stack constructor
		void push(StackElement & ch);  // push function
		StackElement topNpop();         // top and pop functions combined
		bool empty() const;            // empty function
		StackElement arr[MAX];    // define char array
		int	top;                  // define int top
FUNCTION: push()
DESCRIPTION: Pushes an element onto the stack
PRECONDITION: Waiting for function call
POSTCONTION: New element character on top of stack
inline void Stack::push(StackElement & ch)
		top++;          // increment top
		arr[top]=ch;  // push onto stack
		cout<<"Stack is full.\n";  // display stack is full

FUNCTION: topNpop()
DESCRIPTION: Reads and pops top element off the stack
PRECONDIION: Waiting for function call
POSTCONDITION:  One element read and removed fromt he stack
RETURN: Top element from stack

inline StackElement Stack::topNpop()
		return(arr[top]);  // returns top element
		top--;				// remove froms stack
		cout<<"Stack is empty.\n";  // display stack is empty


FUNCTION: empty()
DESCRIPTION: returns result value if stack is empty
PRECONDITION: result=false
POSTCONDITION: result may be true or remain false
RETURN: result if true or false
inline bool Stack::empty() const
	bool result=false;   // initialize bool as false
	if (top==-1)         
		result=true;        // if top is -1 return result true
		return(result);     // else return false
class Queue                           // Queue class
		Queue(){front=0, back=0;arr[MAX]=0;}   // Queue default constructor
		void addq(QueueElement & ch);          // define addq 
		QueueElement frontNremoveq();         // define frontNremove
		QueueElement arr[MAX];            // initialize QueueElement array
		int front, back;                  // initialize int front and back
FUNCTION: addq()
DESCRIPTION: adds an element onto the queue
PRECONDITION: Waiting for element to add
POSTCONDITION: New element now on the queue
inline void Queue::addq(QueueElement &ch)
		arr[back]=ch;     // add element to back of queue
		cerr<<"Error Queue is full\n";  // display queue is full
FUNCTION: frontNremoveq()
DESCRIPTION: reads and removes front element from queue
PRECONDITION: front pointing to front of queue
POSTCONDITION: front element is returned and then incremented
inline QueueElement Queue::frontNremoveq()
		return(arr[front]);    // return front element
		front++;				// remove front element
		cout<<"Queue is empty.\n";  // display queue is empty

int main()
	Stack S;	// initialize stack
	Queue Q;	// initialize queue
	string s ;
	int i=0;	// initialze int 'i'
	char string[MAX];  // initialize char string
	bool RESULT=false;  // initilize bool RESULT to false
strcpy(string," ");

cout << "Please enter a line of text: " << endl; 

cin.getline (string,100);

		S.push(string[i]);  // push chars individually from string to
		Q.addq(string[i]);		// stack and queue
		i++;      // next char
		if(S.topNpop()==Q.frontNremoveq())  // compare each element from
		{										// stack and queue
			RESULT=true;  // if same for all chars return true
			RESULT=false;  // if not same for any char break and return false

		cout<<string<<" \nThis is a palindrome\n";  // display if true
		cout<<string<<" \nThis is not a palindrome\n"; // display if false

	return 0;

1. start out by replacing that C-style character array named "string" with a c++ string class and name it something else, such as line. You are writing a c++ program, so use c++ classes whenever possible. Not that it can't be done with C, just that it's more consistent.

2. replace cin.getline() with getline(cin,line)

3. paste that transform line after the getline() in #2 above

After making the above changes your program seems to work ok for the strings I entered.

1. start out by replacing that C-style character array named "string" with a c++ string class and name it something else, such as line. You are writing a c++ program, so use c++ classes whenever possible. Not that it can't be done with C, just that it's more consistent.

2. replace cin.getline() with getline(cin,line)

3. paste that transform line after the getline() in #2 above

After making the above changes your program seems to work ok for the strings I entered.

my program is C++ rite???
mind show me where should i add the transform function??

my program is C++ rite???

Yes, it is.

mind show me where should i add the transform function??

I already told you. You can do your own copy/paste, my fingers can't ready your keyboard :eek:

Yes, it is.

I already told you. You can do your own copy/paste, my fingers can't ready your keyboard :eek:

show me at least example..then i can only can do it
how to make stack.h,queue.h,palindrome.cpp seperate files....??

show me at least example..then i can only can do it

Haven't you read your own thread :cry: Or maybe you didn't comprehend what you read. The example is in post #2. I'm not about to rewrite it.

how to make stack.h,queue.h,palindrome.cpp seperate files....??

With those filename, they are already separate files, so I don't understand your question.

Haven't you read your own thread :cry: Or maybe you didn't comprehend what you read. The example is in post #2. I'm not about to rewrite it.

With those filename, they are already separate files, so I don't understand your question.

now i combine stack,queue together...i wanna seperate stack to stack.h and queue.h and another for .cpp

can show me how?? from my program...
i hv seperate it..hv many errors

now i combine stack,queue together...i wanna seperate stack to stack.h and queue.h and another for .cpp

can show me how?? from my program...
i hv seperate it..hv many errors

What are the errors? Post the code or attach the files.

What are the errors? Post the code or attach the files.

Below are my program i hv done..i still cant solve the problems..
pls help me...with errors i hv below for ur reference..

thanks in advance.....


#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib> // For EXIT_FAILURE and EXIT_SUCCESS
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cctype>
#include "Queue.h"
#include "Stack.h"

using namespace std;

int main()
	Stack S;	// initialize stack
	Queue Q;	// initialize queue
	string s;
	int i=0;	// initialze int 'i'
	char string[MAX];  // initialize char string
	bool RESULT=false;  // initilize bool RESULT to false

	strcpy(string," ");
	cout << "Please enter a line of text: " << endl; 
	cin.getline (string,100);

for( int j = 0; j < s.size(); ++j)
	    if(s[j] >= 'A' && s[j] <= 'Z')
	      s += (s[j] | 32);
	      if(s[j] >= 'a' && s[j] <= 'z')
		s += (s[j] & (~32));
		s += s[j];

		S.push(string[i]);  // push chars individually from string to
		Q.addq(string[i]);		// stack and queue
		i++;      // next char
		if(S.topNpop()==Q.frontNremoveq())  // compare each element from
		{										// stack and queue
			RESULT=true;  // if same for all chars return true
			RESULT=false;  // if not same for any char break and return false

		cout<<string<<" \nThis is a palindrome\n";  // display if true
		cout<<string<<" \nThis is not a palindrome\n"; // display if false

	return 0;


#ifndef _Stack_h
#define _Stack_h

const int MAX=50;    // initialize max string size of 50 characters
typedef char StackElement;  // define StackElement

class Stack
	Stack(){top=-1;arr[MAX]=0;}   // default stack constructor
		void push(StackElement & ch);  // push function
		StackElement topNpop();         // top and pop functions combined
		bool empty() const;            // empty function
		StackElement arr[MAX];    // define char array
		int	top;                  // define int top
FUNCTION: push()
DESCRIPTION: Pushes an element onto the stack
PRECONDITION: Waiting for function call
POSTCONTION: New element character on top of stack
inline void Stack::push(StackElement & ch)
		top++;          // increment top
		arr[top]=ch;  // push onto stack
		cout<<"Stack is full.\n";  // display stack is full

FUNCTION: topNpop()
DESCRIPTION: Reads and pops top element off the stack
PRECONDIION: Waiting for function call
POSTCONDITION:  One element read and removed fromt he stack
RETURN: Top element from stack

inline StackElement Stack::topNpop()
		return(arr[top]);  // returns top element
		top--;				// remove froms stack
		cout<<"Stack is empty.\n";  // display stack is empty
		return (0);


FUNCTION: empty()
DESCRIPTION: returns result value if stack is empty
PRECONDITION: result=false
POSTCONDITION: result may be true or remain false
RETURN: result if true or false
inline bool Stack::empty() const
	bool result=false;   // initialize bool as false
	if (top==-1)         
		result=true;        // if top is -1 return result true
		return(result);     // else return false



#ifndef _Queue_h
#define _Queue_h

const int MAX=50;    // initialize max string size of 50 characters
typedef char QueueElement;  // define QueueElement

class Queue                           // Queue class
		Queue(){front=0, back=0;arr[MAX]=0;}   // Queue default constructor
		void addq(QueueElement & ch);          // define addq 
		QueueElement frontNremoveq();         // define frontNremove
		QueueElement arr[MAX];            // initialize QueueElement array
		int front, back;                  // initialize int front and back
FUNCTION: addq()
DESCRIPTION: adds an element onto the queue
PRECONDITION: Waiting for element to add
POSTCONDITION: New element now on the queue
inline void Queue::addq(QueueElement &ch)
		arr[back]=ch;     // add element to back of queue
		cerr<<"Error Queue is full\n";  // display queue is full
FUNCTION: frontNremoveq()
DESCRIPTION: reads and removes front element from queue
PRECONDITION: front pointing to front of queue
POSTCONDITION: front element is returned and then incremented
inline QueueElement Queue::frontNremoveq()
		return(arr[front]);    // return front element
		front++;				// remove front element
		cout<<"Queue is empty.\n";  // display queue is empty



--------------------Configuration: Palindrome - Win32 Debug--------------------
c:\documents and settings\jason23\desktop\palindrome\queue.h(33) : error C2065: 'cerr' : undeclared identifier
c:\documents and settings\jason23\desktop\palindrome\queue.h(33) : error C2297: '<<' : illegal, right operand has type 'char [21]'
c:\documents and settings\jason23\desktop\palindrome\queue.h(51) : error C2065: 'cout' : undeclared identifier
c:\documents and settings\jason23\desktop\palindrome\queue.h(51) : error C2297: '<<' : illegal, right operand has type 'char [17]'
c:\documents and settings\jason23\desktop\palindrome\stack.h(4) : error C2370: 'MAX' : redefinition; different storage class
        c:\documents and settings\jason23\desktop\palindrome\queue.h(4) : see declaration of 'MAX'
c:\documents and settings\jason23\desktop\palindrome\stack.h(34) : error C2297: '<<' : illegal, right operand has type 'char [16]'
c:\documents and settings\jason23\desktop\palindrome\stack.h(56) : error C2297: '<<' : illegal, right operand has type 'char [17]'
c:\documents and settings\jason23\desktop\palindrome\main.cpp(25) : error C2872: 'cout' : ambiguous symbol
c:\documents and settings\jason23\desktop\palindrome\main.cpp(25) : error C2297: '<<' : illegal, right operand has type 'char [30]'
c:\documents and settings\jason23\desktop\palindrome\main.cpp(62) : error C2872: 'cout' : ambiguous symbol
c:\documents and settings\jason23\desktop\palindrome\main.cpp(62) : error C2297: '<<' : illegal, right operand has type 'char [50]'
c:\documents and settings\jason23\desktop\palindrome\main.cpp(66) : error C2872: 'cout' : ambiguous symbol
c:\documents and settings\jason23\desktop\palindrome\main.cpp(66) : error C2297: '<<' : illegal, right operand has type 'char [50]'
c:\documents and settings\jason23\desktop\palindrome\main.cpp(69) : error C2872: 'cout' : ambiguous symbol
c:\documents and settings\jason23\desktop\palindrome\main.cpp(69) : error C2784: 'class std::basic_ostream<_E,_Tr> &__cdecl std::operator <<(class std::basic_ostream<_E,_Tr> &,const struct std::_Smanip<_Tm> &)' : could not deduce template argument f
or 'class std::basic_ostream<_E,_Tr> &' from 'int'
c:\documents and settings\jason23\desktop\palindrome\main.cpp(69) : error C2784: 'class std::basic_ostream<_E,_Tr> &__cdecl std::operator <<(class std::basic_ostream<_E,_Tr> &,const struct std::_Fillobj<_E> &)' : could not deduce template argument f
or 'class std::basic_ostream<_E,_Tr> &' from 'int'
c:\documents and settings\jason23\desktop\palindrome\main.cpp(69) : error C2784: 'class std::basic_ostream<_E,_Tr> &__cdecl std::operator <<(class std::basic_ostream<_E,_Tr> &,const class std::basic_string<_E,_Tr,_A> &)' : could not deduce template 
argument for 'class std::basic_ostream<_E,_Tr> &' from 'int'
c:\documents and settings\jason23\desktop\palindrome\main.cpp(69) : error C2784: 'class std::basic_ostream<_E,_Tr> &__cdecl std::operator <<(class std::basic_ostream<_E,_Tr> &,const short *)' : could not deduce template argument for 'class std::basi
c_ostream<_E,_Tr> &' from 'int'
c:\documents and settings\jason23\desktop\palindrome\main.cpp(69) : error C2784: 'class std::basic_ostream<_E,_Tr> &__cdecl std::operator <<(class std::basic_ostream<_E,_Tr> &,const unsigned char)' : could not deduce template argument for 'class std
::basic_ostream<_E,_Tr> &' from 'int'
c:\documents and settings\jason23\desktop\palindrome\main.cpp(69) : error C2784: 'class std::basic_ostream<_E,_Tr> &__cdecl std::operator <<(class std::basic_ostream<_E,_Tr> &,const unsigned char *)' : could not deduce template argument for 'class s
td::basic_ostream<_E,_Tr> &' from 'int'
c:\documents and settings\jason23\desktop\palindrome\main.cpp(69) : error C2784: 'class std::basic_ostream<_E,_Tr> &__cdecl std::operator <<(class std::basic_ostream<_E,_Tr> &,const signed char)' : could not deduce template argument for 'class std::
basic_ostream<_E,_Tr> &' from 'int'
c:\documents and settings\jason23\desktop\palindrome\main.cpp(69) : error C2784: 'class std::basic_ostream<_E,_Tr> &__cdecl std::operator <<(class std::basic_ostream<_E,_Tr> &,const signed char *)' : could not deduce template argument for 'class std
::basic_ostream<_E,_Tr> &' from 'int'
c:\documents and settings\jason23\desktop\palindrome\main.cpp(69) : error C2784: 'class std::basic_ostream<_E,_Tr> &__cdecl std::operator <<(class std::basic_ostream<_E,_Tr> &,_E)' : could not deduce template argument for 'class std::basic_ostream<_
E,_Tr> &' from 'int'
c:\documents and settings\jason23\desktop\palindrome\main.cpp(69) : error C2784: 'class std::basic_ostream<_E,_Tr> &__cdecl std::operator <<(class std::basic_ostream<_E,_Tr> &,const _E *)' : could not deduce template argument for 'class std::basic_o
stream<_E,_Tr> &' from 'int'
c:\documents and settings\jason23\desktop\palindrome\main.cpp(69) : error C2677: binary '<<' : no global operator defined which takes type 'class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> >' (or there is no acce
ptable conversion)
Error executing cl.exe.

Main.obj - 25 error(s), 0 warning(s)

The problem is that the header file doesn't know about namespace std. You can solve this in one of at least three ways:
1. move the line "using names std" before the line "incude queue.h" in the main *.cpp file

2. at the top of queue.h declare classes cout and cerr

using std::cout;
using std::cerr;
// and any others that the header file uses

3. in the queue.h header file expeclitly specify the namespace

std::cerr<<"Error Queue is full\n";

The problem is that the header file doesn't know about namespace std. You can solve this in one of at least three ways:
1. move the line "using names std" before the line "incude queue.h" in the main *.cpp file

2. at the top of queue.h declare classes cout and cerr

using std::cout;
using std::cerr;
// and any others that the header file uses

3. in the queue.h header file expeclitly specify the namespace

std::cerr<<"Error Queue is full\n";

1. thanks..i just realize...that the "using names std" before the line "include queue.h" and "include stack.h" in the main *.cpp file

2. using std::cout;
using std::cerr;
// and any others that the header file uses

the above...using std::cout and using std::cerr and std::cerr<<"Error Queue is full\n" there was not function....
i didnt put as u told also no error..
wat is it use?? when will is Error Queue is full will display...

3. about const int MAX=50; // initialize max string size of 50 characters i put in main.cpp only...can??? is before #include 'Stack.h'
and #include 'Queue.h' rite??

thanks...4 ur help so far... :cheesy:

2. using std::cout;
using std::cerr;
// and any others that the header file uses

the above...using std::cout and using std::cerr and std::cerr<<"Error Queue is full\n" there was not function....
i didnt put as u told also no error..
wat is it use?? when will is Error Queue is full will display...

you don't need both "using namespace std:" and "using std::cout" at the same time. one one or the other. Both are ok, but not really needed. A lot of programmers don't like to use "using namespace std;" so they use the other forms illustrated.

3. about const int MAX=50; // initialize max string size of 50 characters i put in main.cpp only...can??? is before #include 'Stack.h'
and #include 'Queue.h' rite??

I think it would be better to put that declaration in the *.h that uses it. Current c++ standards allow const like that inside the class itself, but not all compilers support it.

i have been given an assignment about palindromes but i don't no how to do the coding in c++ and using queue adt and stact adt to check if a string ia a palindrome


i just want to know that if have already the codes of palindrome using c++..

please help me if have nay idea of that.

thnk you

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