I have an assignment due tonight. I am in the hospital with kidney stones and in much pain! I brought my laptop but am kind of out of it. Could someone please help so I do not get a bad grade, please! This is for a module of an electrical engineering course. I need a few brief paragraphs or answers to the following:

1. Advantages and disadvantages of functional programming.

2. Working principle of a RS-232 port.

3. Specification of a RS-232 port.

4. Main commands for operation of a RS-232 port.

5. Design a simple program in C or C++ to read/write data to/from a RS-232 port.

Whom ever helps I will be indebted to you for my life! I am so sick and really need someone's help! I will keep an eye, I have to rest a bit am on heavy medication. Thanks so much whomever helps me.

Oh I also need a Summary/Conclusion. Thanks to whom ever can help!!

Due on Sunday night? Tomorrow is Martin Luther King Jr. Day here too...

Yes due tonight, and I forgot that I have to have a Summary/Conclusion as well. Thanks to whomever helps.

I woke up in the middle of the night last night and had to go to the hospital with these kidney stones and I am still here! Doc wants to see if I can pass them on my own and IT IS PAINFUL11

I woke up in the middle of the night last night and had to go to the hospital with these kidney stones and I am still here! Doc wants to see if I can pass them on my own and IT IS PAINFUL11

We don't do homework, and that'd be academic dishonesty - worse than a late assignment.
Often you're allowed to postpone an assignment if you have -preferably signed- proof of outstanding circumstances.
The paper they give you when you start class tells you who to contact in such events that you'll be late.

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