Hello fellow c programmers( I made a "hello world" program so I'm a c programmer too :) ).

Anyway I want to know if there is anyway to make a Dev C program perform an action if it is a certain day such as printing the schedule for the day if it is Wednesday. Also is there a way to make the program perform an action if it is between a certain time such as displaying "You're late" if the user inputs after 8:00.

We have just began c programming in school and we need to make a problem and solve it with a program by March. I don't want to think of a problem that is impossible to solve in c and waste my time but also I don't want a simple program because I plan to do innovative things when I become a professional programmer and this is just the beginning.

Thanks for at least reading and thanks alot for any answers.

If you were a programmer, you'd know by that logic you could also say, "I know 'Hello' in Chinese, therefore I'm fluent in it". ;P

Anyway, just familiarize yourself with time.h:

You may want to upgrade from old Dev-C++ to Code::Blocks or VC++ Express 2010.

Lol no but I could speak Chinese therefore I'm a Chinese Speaker :O

Anyway thanks for the reply. We're using Dev C and we have to code the program in standard c language meaning no c++ since we aren't being taught that. Is it possible to do what I want with those limitations? I'll still check out the references.

It'll work fine, I've done a lot of coding in Bloodshed's Dev-C++ IDE, but it hasn't been updated in years and the compiler it comes default with(MinGW) is long out of date as well, unless you install the new version yourself.

So an IDE that also comes with the latest core compiler and support is convenient.

Dev C is a C++ compiler. But, like most compilers, it can compile strict C programs as well.

And yes, given the right knowledge, you will be able to write the program you want.

Okay its good to know that the problem I made is possible to solve with the required knowledge and I have weeks to acquire said knowledge... so thnx guys :$

If you were a programmer, you'd know by that logic you could also say, "I know 'Hello' in Chinese, therefore I'm fluent in it". ;P

Faulty logic. He said "I'm a programmer", not anything about fluency. The argument could be made that one knows Chinese after learning one word, though claiming fluency would be stupid. I think anyone who knows anything about programming can be called a programmer (at which point more details are required to find out how good of a programmer), but I'm curious as to where you draw the line.

Faulty logic. He said "I'm a programmer", not anything about fluency. The argument could be made that one knows Chinese after learning one word, though claiming fluency would be stupid. I think anyone who knows anything about programming can be called a programmer (at which point more details are required to find out how good of a programmer), but I'm curious as to where you draw the line.

Actually I know Chinese, because I know the word 'Chinese', but that's pedantic beyond a quick joke.

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