i made report for invoice printing which contains 10 pages for single invoice,
i want to Print Terms & condition on every next page
it means my report will be of 20 Page..

please help me...

thanks in advance

I'm not sure hoew the report printing can be manipulated at all. I normally just go for print and thats that.

One option would be to try and pause the report printjob after page 1, then print the first page of the terms and so on.

Another way would be to add it to your report (call it from a document or database etc.) and then print the lot.

I'm not sure hoew the report printing can be manipulated at all. I normally just go for print and thats that.

One option would be to try and pause the report printjob after page 1, then print the first page of the terms and so on.

Another way would be to add it to your report (call it from a document or database etc.) and then print the lot.

fist option is not feasible.
I will add T&C in Database
i want to know how to add T&C in Report using Database

When you set a recordset to the report, use a loop to add every consecutive page. Something like -

For xrs = 0 To rs.Recordcount -1 'xRs gets the actual report data
' add the report page one from xRsTermeCon!TheFieldnameOfTermsHere
Next xRS

This will load the first page data, then load the first page terms and so on...

When you set a recordset to the report, use a loop to add every consecutive page. Something like -

For xrs = 0 To rs.Recordcount -1 'xRs gets the actual report data
' add the report page one from xRsTermeCon!TheFieldnameOfTermsHere
Next xRS

This will load the first page data, then load the first page terms and so on...

Basically, we are developing Share Broker Back-office software.
Every day we Broker are sending the Contract to Client right now it is pre-printing in both side front and back.
we are filling the detail section only.
Now we want to print Contract on A4 size paper on both side front and back using Crystal Report or any other tools.
There for we have to print T&C on Every Contract on Back side and Client have Duplex Printer.

Is there any solution...??

Thanks for Reply.

Why not just use pre-printed documents with the terms and cons at the back? It is much more cost effective and ten times easier and quicker.

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