Hi there,
I am new to using Visual C++ 2005 enterprise Edition. I do not know how run a C++ program in it. It's environment is similar to Turbo C++ 5.5 IDE but still I can't see any 'Run' command anywhere and Ctrl+F9 does not do anything !!!!!
Please help .....

On the top there should be a 'build' drop down menu. There will be options to compile, build and then execute the program.

On the top there should be a 'build' drop down menu. There will be options to compile, build and then execute the program.

But...there is no 'Build' drop down menu...
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I'm really not familiar with VS-2005, I use 2008. Try right-clicking your project to see if there are "build", "debug", and/or "run" options on the context menu.

You might have to enable Expert settings. Go to Tools --> Settings, then check Expert settings. This has got to be one of the dumbest things Microsoft has ever done in their compilers.

press f5 in your keyboard OR f5+ctrl

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