Hey, I have a question. I was writing a custom Array type class. In my template declaration I use the type name as DataType. I was making an attempt at creating an insert method, which takes a DataType argument and the index to insert at. I originally had this code:

void insert(DataType p_item, int p_index)
        int index;
        for(index = m_size-1;index>p_index;index--)
            m_array[index] = m_array[index-1];
        m_array[p_index] = p_item;

Where m_array is the created array, and m_size is it's size. But it was unable to insert into an array which was full, because of how I tried to solve the problem.
So I ended up simplifying it completely:

void insert(DataType p_item, int p_index)
        DataType m_item;
        m_array[p_index] = m_item;
        m_array[p_index] = p_item;

My question is, what value will the m_item default too? Will this cause problems in the future? When I printed out the array to test it(before I reassigned p_item to the array), it printed an empty space.

You mean what value m_item will hold? That depends on the type of DataType.
It's default constructor will be called, without any parameters. If DataType is an int, it will behave just like 'int m_item;' would. Not sure if this is exactly your question though (just had an exam from 18:30 -> 22:00... I might not think clearly any more ;)).

I'm not actually sure what you're trying to do with your simplified version.

m_array[p_index] = m_item;
m_array[p_index] = p_item;

// Same as:
m_array[p_index] = p_item; // ??

DataType will get the type you pass it, no? So if it's a char, it may take just a numeric value and then convert it to ASCII.
If it's a int, it'll be a zero. The same for double, float and bool
Maybe you SHOULD initialize it to NULL.
The problem you may get it if DataType is a string or a char[].
No debug mistakes, Yes unhandled exception, null not considered blablabla.

And the lamb is right... I mean, don't you overwrite the same array[index] when you give it

m_array[p_index] = m_item;
m_array[p_index] = p_item;


m_item is never initialised, I am asking what the value will be?, not the type. Initialising the NULL is not possible, it's too ambiguous according to the compiler. Probably because since it doesn't have a type yet, it wont know if that type will support NULL?

And yes, That is the same thing, I was just trying to make the code so there is no chance for overwriting the wrong thing, obviously not needed now after that was pointed out lol.

really it depends of what type it gets: it maybe a random number as a null point or a zero... it may cause problems, if that's your question.

Then my answer still stands, m_item will be initialized based on its type ;).

If DataType is an int, m_item will be initialized as if it were written 'int m_item;'.

So if you call insert, where DataType is deduced as an integer, the compiler will emit code that treats m_item exactly as if it were an integer.

Then your question boils down to "What is an uninitalized integer initialized to"

int m_item;

Same as if you could call insert where DataType is of class A, the compiler will emit code that treats m_item as of type A, and your question is "What is an uninitialized variable of type A initialized to?"

A m_item;
commented: Thanks +1

Yeah, lamb's right. If you pass a class remember to put a constructor in.

Ye sorry, So what I had wouldn't cause any major problems is what I really wanted to know, it would just default to the default of the type. I only had the problem because I thought in c++, variables will not always initialise to the default and can cause some errors. Like, they will end up with some gobble-dee-gook. Thanks for your help.

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