i just downloaded qt and i dont know how to build in qt, it keeps saying:

Could not find make command: mingw32-make.exe in the build environment
Error while building project case (target: Desktop)
When executing build step 'Make'
Could not find make command: mingw32-make.exe in the build environment
Error while building project case (target: Desktop)
When executing build step 'Make'
Could not find make command: mingw32-make.exe in the build environment
Error while building project case (target: Desktop)
When executing build step 'Make'

help please

>>i just downloaded qt

Did you download Qt Creator(the IDE)?

Look on your start menu and under the Qt folder (or wherever you installed it), there will be a Qt 4.whatever command prompt icon. Starting that will put all of the proper environment variables in place for that session.

There's some specific compilation steps that you'll have to look up (I haven't done it in a while), so grab a good tutorial (like the first edition of C++ GUI Programming with Qt4 available at http://www.qtrac.eu/marksummerfield.html free and legal -- it's getting a little bit outdated but the beginning material in the book should have remained constant over Qt releases).

first download sdk from nokia website
install qt latest version
then install qt creator

set environmental variables to
QT == C:\QT\4.x.x (where you installed)
Path to the bin (c:\QT\4.x.x.\bin)

open command prompt
go to qt installed directory
it takes some time

later nmake

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