Im trying to make a fast food program on which the user will input the amount that he has, then he will click on what he wants, by using check boxes. There are 7 different check boxes with 7 different amounts of money. I got an idea on what to do (they will check on what they want and the program will add up the total and there is only one of each item), but im confused on how to put the amount on where the check boxes (in the program area and not the text area) and add them together. After that all I need to do is add everything up, with sales tax, and tell the user if he has enough money or not. But what im confused on is how do I get the check boxes to a amount of money and add them up (all the ones hes checked) I just dont know how to code this part of the program, once I get one done all I have to do is the same for each one, and everything showed be easy after that. But how do I put an amount on a check box and add them all up?

See if this helps.

Public Class Form1
    '// Prices for the CheckBoxes as Decimal Arrays.
    Private myCoolCheckBoxPrices() As Decimal = {2, 3.5, 4.35, 1.75, 5, 9.99, 0.75}
    '// To get the value of the 3rd Array, since Index based, you would use: myCoolCheckBoxPrices(2)

    Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
        Dim myTotalPrice As Decimal = 0 '// Reset Total Price.
        '// If CheckBox is Checked, add the Decimal Array to myTotalPrice.
        If CheckBox1.Checked Then myTotalPrice += myCoolCheckBoxPrices(0)
        If CheckBox2.Checked Then myTotalPrice += myCoolCheckBoxPrices(1)
        If CheckBox3.Checked Then myTotalPrice += myCoolCheckBoxPrices(2)
        If CheckBox4.Checked Then myTotalPrice += myCoolCheckBoxPrices(3)
        If CheckBox5.Checked Then myTotalPrice += myCoolCheckBoxPrices(4)
        If CheckBox6.Checked Then myTotalPrice += myCoolCheckBoxPrices(5)
        If CheckBox7.Checked Then myTotalPrice += myCoolCheckBoxPrices(6)
        MsgBox(myTotalPrice.ToString("c")) '// Display result.
    End Sub
End Class

There are a number of ways to do this.

Personally, I wouldn't use checkboxes. What if I want more than one item? But then, I don't know your requirements.

Anyway, on to answering your question:
if you aren't using databinding (I would), you could put the itemID into the TAG property of the checkbox.
Then you could simply look up the item by id in your datatable (with prices) and add it to the order. Obviously, if they decide to uncheck the item, you would then subtract it.

Ok this is what I got so far

Public Class Form1
    '// Prices for the CheckBoxes as Decimal Arrays.
    Private myCoolCheckBoxPrices() As Decimal = {3.99, 2.79, 3.29, 1.39, 1.59, 1.99, 2.56}

    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

    End Sub

    Private Sub CheckBox1_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Hamsandwich.CheckedChanged
        Dim myTotalPrice As Decimal = 0 '// Reset Total Price.
        '// If CheckBox is Checked, add the Decimal Array to myTotalPrice.
        If Hamsandwich.Checked Then myTotalPrice += myCoolCheckBoxPrices(0)
        If hamburger.Checked Then myTotalPrice += myCoolCheckBoxPrices(1)
        If lettucewrap.Checked Then myTotalPrice += myCoolCheckBoxPrices(2)
        If sodapopsmall.Checked Then myTotalPrice += myCoolCheckBoxPrices(3)
        If sodapoplarge.Checked Then myTotalPrice += myCoolCheckBoxPrices(4)
        If fries.Checked Then myTotalPrice += myCoolCheckBoxPrices(5)
        If sidesalad.Checked Then myTotalPrice += myCoolCheckBoxPrices(6)
        MsgBox(myTotalPrice.ToString("c")) '// Display result.
    End Sub

    Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
    End Sub
End Class

Now all I need now to be able to finish my assignment is to figure out how after the user selects an item, the application shall calculate the total amount due and compare this to the budget of the customer (amount they have). If the budget allows it, keep the item checked and display the amount remaining. If the budget does not allow, uncheck the item and display a message box explaining that the user does not have enough money.
also I need to put a 6% sales tax to the end amount (which showed be easy, all I need is the end amount and times it be 1.06) and also atleast one If...Then...Else... statement
I figure the If Then Else statements would be for the part of them if they have enough money or not, but I dont know how to code that part right

See If this helps.

Public Class Form1
    '// Prices for the CheckBoxes as Decimal Arrays.
    Private myCoolCheckBoxPrices() As Double = {3.99, 2.79, 3.29, 1.39, 1.59, 1.99, 2.56}
    Private myCustomerTotalSpendingAllowed As Double = 17.59 '// Total a Customer has set for Spending Limit.

    Private Sub CheckBox1_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
                                    Handles _
                                      Hamsandwich.CheckedChanged, hamburger.CheckedChanged, lettucewrap.CheckedChanged, _
                                      sodapopsmall.CheckedChanged, sodapoplarge.CheckedChanged, fries.CheckedChanged, sidesalad.CheckedChanged
        Dim myTotalPrice As Double = 0 '// Reset Total Price.
        '// If CheckBox is Checked, add the Decimal Array to myTotalPrice.
        If Hamsandwich.Checked Then myTotalPrice += myCoolCheckBoxPrices(0)
        If hamburger.Checked Then myTotalPrice += myCoolCheckBoxPrices(1)
        If lettucewrap.Checked Then myTotalPrice += myCoolCheckBoxPrices(2)
        If sodapopsmall.Checked Then myTotalPrice += myCoolCheckBoxPrices(3)
        If sodapoplarge.Checked Then myTotalPrice += myCoolCheckBoxPrices(4)
        If fries.Checked Then myTotalPrice += myCoolCheckBoxPrices(5)
        If sidesalad.Checked Then myTotalPrice += myCoolCheckBoxPrices(6)
        Me.Text = myTotalPrice.ToString("c") '// Display result.
        '//----- compare TotalPrice with the price the customer has set for spending limit.
        If myTotalPrice > myCustomerTotalSpendingAllowed Then '// if price goes over, alert customer with the amount over the set limit.
            MsgBox("Total price has went over your customer's spending limit." _
            & vbNewLine & "Amount over the limit: " & (myCustomerTotalSpendingAllowed - myTotalPrice).ToString("c"), MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
        End If '-----\\
    End Sub
End Class

I guess that a penny does make a difference after all.:D

Thanks to codeorder this is the code that I needed, to get everything to work

Public Class Form1
    '// Prices for the CheckBoxes as Arrays.
    Private myCoolCheckBoxPrices() As Double = {3.99, 2.79, 3.29, 1.39, 1.59, 1.99, 2.56}
    Private myCustomerTotalSpendingAllowed As Double = 0 '// Total Price allowed to spend.

    Private myTotalPrice As Double = 0 '// Total Price declared here now, not within a Sub.
    Private myTax As Double = 0.06 '// Tax used to add to Total Price.

    Private Sub TextBox1_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBox1.TextChanged
        '// check if numeric, then set new value for myCustomerTotalSpendingAllowed.
        If IsNumeric(TextBox1.Text) Then myCustomerTotalSpendingAllowed = CDbl(TextBox1.Text)
        If TextBox1.Text = "" Then '// if no value, add a "0" and selectAll for quick typing.
            TextBox1.Text = "0" : TextBox1.SelectAll()
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub CheckBox1_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
                  Handles CheckBox1.CheckedChanged, CheckBox2.CheckedChanged, CheckBox3.CheckedChanged, CheckBox4.CheckedChanged _
                           , CheckBox5.CheckedChanged, CheckBox6.CheckedChanged, CheckBox7.CheckedChanged
        Dim cb As CheckBox = CType(sender, CheckBox) '// gets the CheckBox sender.

        If TextBox1.Text = "" Then '// if Value is empty in allowed spending TextBox.
            MsgBox("Please enter a Total Allowed Spending Amount.", MsgBoxStyle.Information) '// prompt user.
            TextBox1.Select() '// be nice and preselect. :)
            Exit Sub '// skip remaining code in this sub.
        End If
        If cb Is CheckBox1 Then coolPriceChecker(cb, 0) '// send the current CheckBox and the Array Index to use.
        If cb Is CheckBox2 Then coolPriceChecker(cb, 1) '// send the current CheckBox and the Array Index to use.
        If cb Is CheckBox3 Then coolPriceChecker(cb, 2) '// send the current CheckBox and the Array Index to use.
        If cb Is CheckBox4 Then coolPriceChecker(cb, 3) '// send the current CheckBox and the Array Index to use.
        If cb Is CheckBox5 Then coolPriceChecker(cb, 4) '// send the current CheckBox and the Array Index to use.
        If cb Is CheckBox6 Then coolPriceChecker(cb, 5) '// send the current CheckBox and the Array Index to use.
        If cb Is CheckBox7 Then coolPriceChecker(cb, 6) '// send the current CheckBox and the Array Index to use.
    End Sub

    Private Sub coolPriceChecker(ByVal selCoolCheckBox As CheckBox, ByVal selCoolPriceFromArray As Integer)
        If selCoolCheckBox.Checked Then
            myTotalPrice += myCoolCheckBoxPrices(selCoolPriceFromArray) + (myCoolCheckBoxPrices(selCoolPriceFromArray) * myTax)
            If myTotalPrice > myCustomerTotalSpendingAllowed Then '//--- if price goes over, alert.
                MsgBox("Total price has went over your customer's spending limit." _
                & vbNewLine & "Amount over the limit: " & (myCustomerTotalSpendingAllowed - myTotalPrice).ToString("c"), MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
                selCoolCheckBox.Checked = False '// Uncheck the CheckBox.
            End If '-----\\
            myTotalPrice -= myCoolCheckBoxPrices(selCoolPriceFromArray) + (myCoolCheckBoxPrices(selCoolPriceFromArray) * myTax)
        End If
        Me.Text = myTotalPrice.ToString("c") '// Display result.
    End Sub

    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        TextBox1.Text = "0" '// add allowed price to the TextBox.
    End Sub
End Class
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