
I need to make "Keygen" that gen text not randomly with two text boxes,

i need to use it for "username and "password" gen that i puted to gen.

Please help with the code :)

See if this thread helps for generating alphanumeric IDs, which can also be used to generate User Names and Passwords.

See if this thread helps for generating alphanumeric IDs, which can also be used to generate User Names and Passwords.

That i mean also when i put username and password in the code which i can see it when i click the button is the ep : Username : Password ..... thanks anyway

i wana the code for visual basic 2008

Like having a list of User Names and a list of Passwords that you can randomly select from?

sorry for bad english ,,

But that i mean not randomly
i need to put that currect usernames , passwords

ec username1 password1

ec username2 password2

ec username3 password3

That i puted

when i click the button it change from

username1 password1


username2 password2

and so

shows in the text box ..

1 Button, 2 TextBoxes

Public Class Form1
    Private myUserNames() As String = {"username 1", "username 2", "username 3"}
    Private myPasswords() As String = {"password 1", "password 2", "password 3"}
    Private iStatus As Integer = 0

    Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
        TextBox1.Text = myUserNames(iStatus) '// Display Result.
        TextBox2.Text = myPasswords(iStatus) '// Display Result.
        iStatus += 1 '// Next UserName and Password.
        If iStatus = myUserNames.Length Then iStatus = 0 '// If last UserName then go back to first UserName.
    End Sub
End Class

Thank you so much works fine

nice code :)

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