Hi. Can you help on my project. My code in search button doesn't run. I am making a Directory System and the following information must appear when you click search button..Remarks,Telephone Number, First Name, Last Name,Address. Email me the code at <<Snipped>..im hoping for your help on my project..Im creating my project on MS Access using VB coding.Thanks a lot..God Bless

What is the database structure? and what code had you written so far?

post your code friend..we try to helpp u :)

Try this:

Private Sub btnFind_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnFind.Click
Me.CoversBindingSource.Filter = "[SalesOrder] = ' " & Me.txtfind.Text & " ' "

End Sub

Sales Order represents the fild in the datagrid that you are searching for

commented: This is an old thread and the starter did'n reply to our efforts. albhert2728 asked to do it privatelly so the right is to close this thread. -2
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