My chat application have icon at the taskbar which displays
messages as balloon text for the user when the application is minimized.
My problem is when the message contain smiley or emotion
like this ':D:D:)' the smiley does not display in the balloon text.
Any help on how to add smiley or emotion or image to balloon text?

No duplicate thread please.

@Das, this is a separate thread from the previous, which was saving a smiley. This thread will be handling the display of the said smilies when called from the database into a popup balloon message.:)

Jeff, post your code you mailed me, lets see where your problem lies, thanks.

I have no idea with this but looking forward for any help or suggestions.
Any link will be of great help

Will play around some time today and see if I can get a working solution for your scenario.:)

I have no idea with this but looking forward for any help or suggestions.
Any link will be of great help

to show a balloon tip :
look here

@Vineeth, the poster is knows how to show a balloon tip, he wants to add smilies to the pop up.:)

@Jemz, I could not find a solution as yet, still trying. It looks as if you will have to write your own balloon pop up, which is going to be quite advanced.

It is as I thought, you will have to create your own popup. Smileys will only show in a rich tect box control with text (same as a word document)

The following code is a sample on how to display the pictures. Before displaying it, find out what picture the text represents, i.e. ": )" = :). Save all the images in a image control and call them from there -

Private Sub Form_Click()
RichTextBox1.SelStart = 3
RichTextBox1.SelText = "[new hi there]"
End Sub

Private Sub Form_DblClick()
Dim lpobj As OLEObject
Dim szfilename As String
szfilename = App.Path & "\ttt444.bmp" ' put some valid file name here
Set lpobj = RichTextBox1.OLEObjects.Add(, , szfilename)
lpobj.DisplayType = rtfDisplayContent
' if you un comment the following line you will go to edit mode:
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
Me.RichTextBox1.Text = "Hi there"
End Sub
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