hi, i'm currently learning C on my own. i explicitly made a binary tree just to see if my postorder procedure works. i have no idea why but at the end of running the program, before it does the last procedure, this appears:


everything else works fine. i know it must be the postorder which has the problem but i have no idea why.
please help me.
below is my code:

#include <stdio.h>

struct node {
	struct node *LeftNode;
	char data;
	struct node *RightNode;

node *makeNode(char c);
void visit(struct node *N);
void postorder (struct node *N);

void main(){
	struct node *A = makeNode('A');
	struct node *L = makeNode('L');
	struct node *G = makeNode('G');
	struct node *O = makeNode('O');
	struct node *R = makeNode('R');
	struct node *I = makeNode('I');
	struct node *T = makeNode('T');
	struct node *H = makeNode('H');
	struct node *M = makeNode('M');
	struct node *S = makeNode('S');
	A->LeftNode = L;
	L->LeftNode = G;
	G->LeftNode = O;
	G->RightNode = R;
	L->RightNode = I;
	A->RightNode = T;
	T->LeftNode = H;
	H->RightNode = M;
	T->RightNode = S;
	printf("Left Node of %c: %c\n", A->data, A->LeftNode->data);
	printf("Left Node of %c: %c\n", L->data, L->LeftNode->data);
	printf("Left Node of %c: %c\n", G->data, G->LeftNode->data);
	printf("Right Node of %c: %c\n", G->data, G->RightNode->data);
	printf("Right Node of %c: %c\n", L->data, L->RightNode->data);
	printf("Right Node of %c: %c\n", A->data, A->RightNode->data);
	printf("Left Node of %c: %c\n", T->data, T->LeftNode->data);
	printf("Right Node of %c: %c\n", H->data, H->RightNode->data);
	printf("Right Node of %c: %c\n", T->data, T->RightNode->data);

node *makeNode(char c){
	node *bago;
	bago = new node;
	bago->data = c;
	bago->LeftNode = NULL;
	bago->RightNode = NULL;
	printf("New Node: %c\n", bago->data);
	return bago;

void visit(struct node *N){
	printf("%c", N->data);	

void postorder (struct node *N){

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sorry o:
i fixed it. thank you

You don't check if the left/right node is null, you just tell it to go visit that node. Try not visiting null nodes.

You don't check if the left/right node is null, you just tell it to go visit that node. Try not visiting null nodes.

ohh. so that's why.
thank you!

i fixed it. thank you so much for your help!

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