Just started looking into visual c++ express 2010 today, no exp at all with this IDE anybody know how to remove these types of errors from project.

1>AXIMP : AxImp error : Could not load file or assembly 'Interop.MSHelpServices.1.0, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
1>C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Microsoft.Common.Targets(1559,9): warning MSB3283: Cannot find wrapper assembly for type library "MSHelpControls.1.0.dll".

Noted: in the header file that its recommended not to alter Microsoft.Common.Targets file?

Many thanks in advance

AXIMP seems to be related to VB6 Active X controls. Give details of the project.
I haven't personally come along these type of errors in my work, but maybe someone else who are doing the same kind of projects may have and will be able to help.

Thanks for the reply,

The control that seems to be causing this error is [Microsoft help 2.0 index control] just tried this with a new win32 application, blank form nothing else then removed it from project & this error pops up.

Checked coding no ref to it, so it must ref this some where else in project not sure where?


An xml file projectname.vcxproj had some ref to the control, removed all ref & it removed the error.

Project working normal.

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