Hi guys. I downloaded pygame and a few other modules for Python. I know that I have to put them in a certain folder to make sure Python can read them, but what is that exactly? I'm running a Mac, OS 10.6.6.
I already tried putting it in the main Python folder (with IDLE and Extras), and in the Extras folder.


You can, of course put it anywhere and then update your PYTHONPATH to include it. Python packages on my mac live in /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site_packages Beware that you may need to muck with one of the .pth files so the interpreter will correctly build its internal sys.path

edit: Somehow, at some point, I ended up with two Python.framework directories: One in /System/Library/Frameworks and the other as noted above. It was impossible to decide where to put packages; and the chaos was general. I eventually copied everything to the /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework location and placed a symbolic link in the /System/Library/Frameworks directory that referenced the real Python.framework location. That worked well.

Alright, I found the directory you speak of (the site_packages), and it still doesn't work.
I ran the site.py code just to make sure Python was looking in Site_packages, and it is.


These are two screenshots, one of IDLE after trying

import pygame

and then after running site.py.
The other is showing where I put pygame. Maybe I need to do somehow unpack pygame from its folder?

I don't do pygame, so my experience is not precisely germane. Look in your site-packages for a fie named *.pth that contains some reference to your pygame egg/folder/zip file (?). Can you add a line like the other lines that does the work (

A very quick Google search yielded this information, which I did not follow through. It does appear to be pretty straight forward.

edit: But you are using Python 3.x and pygame may or may not work with 3.1. Can I talk you into using Python 2.7?

You talked me into using Python 2.7.

So I got that, and there's no file in Site_Packages other than a readme.
Also, there aren't any files on my computer (According to Spotlight) that end in .pth.

So I get the sense that either something, somewhere went horribly wrong, or I'm just being an idiot and missing something obvious.

I figured "how hard could it be" and went to do it myself. Oops. Worked fine for 2.6, but no luck on 2.7. Spelunking around a little more, I found this:

I recently installed PyGame 1.9.1 on Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) running Python 3.1 - check out the instructions at the bottom of this page: http://programming.itcarlow.ie/pygame.html - cheers, and good luck! (Paul Barry, Dec 2009).

... which eventually led me to this PDF... which was right after this: "[David has Pygame installed on his Mac OS X laptop - it took him the guts of an evening to get it installed. By that time, his hands were shaking and he had built up a bit of a sweat. But, Pygame was installed and working on Mac OS X]"
I'm not in the mood for shaking hands and sweated brow, so I'll leave you to it.

So I want to make sure I do this right:
Step 1: Download pygame-1.9.1release.tar.gz from the PyGame website and save
it to your disk - mine was saved into my Downloads folder. With the download
complete, open up a new Terminal window and type: cd Downloads
Ok thats pretty easy

Step 2: Issue tar zxvf pygame-1.9.1release.tar.gz to unpack the downloaded file.
As in, write that in Terminal and press enter?

Step 3: Change into the newly created directory: cd pygame-1.9.1release
I assume 'cd' is the terminal command for switching directories?
Step 4: Issue this command: python3 config.py

Step 5: Edit the newly-created Setup file changing this line (on my system it was line
pypm src/pypm.c $(SDL) $(PORTMIDI) $(PORTTIME) $(DEBUG)
to look like this (note: addition of # at the start of the line):
# pypm src/pypm.c $(SDL) $(PORTMIDI) $(PORTTIME) $(DEBUG)
Be sure to exit and save the Setup file.

Step 6: From the command-line, issue this command (exactly as shown, all on the
one line):
export CC='/usr/bin/gcc-4.2' CFLAGS='-isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.6.sdk -arch i386'

Step 7: Build PyGame with this command: python3 setup.py build
Again, that's in Terminal?
This will take a while and you'll see a lot of stuff on screen (including a bunch of
warnings, which you can safely ignore). You only have to worry if you see the word
Step 8: Install PyGame as follows: sudo python3 setup.py instal

So I want to make sure I do this right:
Step 1: Download pygame-1.9.1release.tar.gz from the PyGame website and save
it to your disk - mine was saved into my Downloads folder. With the download
complete, open up a new Terminal window and type: cd Downloads
Ok thats pretty easy

Step 2: Issue tar zxvf pygame-1.9.1release.tar.gz to unpack the downloaded file.
As in, write that in Terminal and press enter?

Step 3: Change into the newly created directory: cd pygame-1.9.1release
I assume 'cd' is the terminal command for switching directories?
Step 4: Issue this command: python3 config.py

Step 5: Edit the newly-created Setup file changing this line (on my system it was line
pypm src/pypm.c $(SDL) $(PORTMIDI) $(PORTTIME) $(DEBUG)
to look like this (note: addition of # at the start of the line):
# pypm src/pypm.c $(SDL) $(PORTMIDI) $(PORTTIME) $(DEBUG)
Be sure to exit and save the Setup file.

Step 6: From the command-line, issue this command (exactly as shown, all on the
one line):
export CC='/usr/bin/gcc-4.2' CFLAGS='-isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.6.sdk -arch i386'

Step 7: Build PyGame with this command: python3 setup.py build
Again, that's in Terminal?
This will take a while and you'll see a lot of stuff on screen (including a bunch of
warnings, which you can safely ignore). You only have to worry if you see the word
Step 8: Install PyGame as follows: sudo python3 setup.py instal

The answer is yes for all your questions in red.

Awesome, thanks!

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