Hi, i'm a bit of a VB-virgin in destress :)

I've wrote some vb6 to manipulate words in a text-box.
It has some bugs but it does the main job.
I like to compare it with a real VB-expert solution.
Does any of you can show me a small program witch can:

  • scan the textbox witch contains a text-document (some text lines) for words.
  • jump to a sub so the letters of that word can be scrambled
  • and jump back and replace the original word
  • then find the next word in the document, until the end of the document.
  • all other characters in the sentence need to be ignored witch are not a part of the abc (26 letters)
  • only words witch are 4 or more cahracters of length ought to be manipulated

so far i've got this:

'Written by spinnetje 05-11-2005
'Visual Basic 6 - WordScramble
Option Explicit
'load a text file
Private Sub cmdFile_Click()
Dim strTemp As String
On Error GoTo dropout
strTemp = txtFile
txtFile = ""
dlg.FileName = "*.txt"
If Dir(dlg.FileName) <> "" Then
txtFile = ""
Open dlg.FileName For Input As 1
While Not EOF(1)
Line Input #1, strTemp
txtFile = txtFile & strTemp & vbCrLf
Close #1
txtFile = strTemp
MsgBox "File not found"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmdReplace_Click()
'only scramble single given word
If txtFind = txtReplace And Len(txtReplace) > 3 Then GoTo opnieuw
' If Len(txtFile.SelText) > 0 Then txtFile.SelText = txtReplace
End Sub
Private Sub swpReplace()
'scramble all found words
On Error GoTo weg
Dim leng1, x, y, ts, sw(20), rn, lp, jmr As Integer
Dim t$, tst$, m$, h(20) As String
leng1 = Len(txtFind)
If leng1 < 3 Or leng1 > 20 Then
Exit Sub
End If
y = 0
jmr = 0
x = 1
m$ = ""
tst$ = " ,.-!?$)" + Chr$(13)
ts = Len(tst$)
leng1 = leng1 - 1

'filter words by recognision of one of the characters of TST$
x = x + 1
t$ = Mid$(txtFind, x, 1)

'check if not normal character
For y = 1 To ts
If t$ = Mid$(tst$, y, 1) Then
jmr = 1
Me.txtFind = Left$(Me.txtFind, x - 1)
End If
Next y
'finnish test

h(x) = t$
Loop While x < leng1
If jmr = 0 Then


///SCRAMBLE CODE witch scrambles: txtReplace ////

'scramble done

txtReplace = txtFind
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmdFindWords_Click()
Dim lngNumberOfWords, src, tlr As Long
Dim onemoment As String
Dim strWordArray() As String
'remove extra spaces
onemoment = Me.txtFile.Text

'split it
strWordArray = Split(onemoment, " ")

'Count words
lngNumberOfWords = UBound(strWordArray) + 1
Me.Teller.Text = Str$(lngNumberOfWords)
Me.txtFile.Text = ""
For src = 0 To Str$(lngNumberOfWords) - 1
Me.txtFind = strWordArray(src)
tlr = 0

tlr = tlr + 1
If txtFind = txtReplace And Len(txtReplace) > 3 And tlr < 3 Then GoTo again
strWordArray(src) = txtReplace
Me.txtFile.Text = Me.txtFile.Text + txtReplace + " "
txtReplace = ""
Next src
Me.txtFile.Text = Left$(Me.txtFile.Text, Len(Me.txtFile.Text) - 1)
End Sub
textboxes: txtFile / txtFind / txtReplace
buttons: cmdFile / cmdReplace / cmdFindWords

Your feedback will be greatly appreciated !! :lol:

create a form with 2 richtextboxes and one command button on it.

next try the following code

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim lvStart As Integer
Dim lvEnd As Integer

Randomize (Timer)
lvStart = 1
lvOld = 1
RichTextBox2.Text = ""
RichTextBox1.Text = Replace(RichTextBox1.Text, "  ", " ")
 lvStart = InStr(lvOld, RichTextBox1.Text, " ")
 If lvStart > 0 Then
  RichTextBox2.Text = RichTextBox2.Text + Scramble(Mid$(RichTextBox1.Text, lvOld, lvStart - lvOld)) + " "
  lvOld = lvStart + Len(" ")
 End If
 If lvStart = 0 And lvOld < Len(RichTextBox1.Text) Then
  RichTextBox2.Text = RichTextBox2.Text + Scramble(Mid$(RichTextBox1.Text, lvOld, Len(RichTextBox1.Text) - lvOld + 1)) + " "
 End If
Loop Until lvStart = 0
End Sub

Function Scramble(tempstr As String) As String
Dim myloop As Integer
Dim mystring As String
Dim MyValue
MyValue = 0
If Len(tempstr) < 4 Then
 Scramble = tempstr
 Exit Function
End If
mystring = ""
myloop = 0
 While Len(tempstr) > 0
  While MyValue = 0 And Len(tempstr) <> 0
   MyValue = Int((Len(tempstr) * Rnd) + 1)
  mychar = Mid$(tempstr, MyValue, 1)
  mystring = mystring + mychar
  tempstr = Mid(tempstr, 1, MyValue - 1) + Mid(tempstr, MyValue + 1, Len(tempstr))
  MyValue = 0
Scramble = mystring
End Function

as you can see the above does exactly what you want in less code, you'll just have to modify it for characters you don't want moving about

if loading the text in just load it straight to the box


Great mrmike !!!!
I'ved used first part of your code.
Told you i am a newbe so i wil find out how that part works line by line :)

The scramble part i made special. (may need you again to help lose "code-overweight") :mrgreen:

Thanx again.

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