I want make Dictionary English into Urdu.I already made Hash Table and entered Some Words Pleas Tell me how can i convert English text into Urdu.

Hello, can you tell yo more about your issue. What exactly is "Udru" language? And what do you have in the has table? Can you show us the code you did?

I want just make translator from English language to Arabic or Urdu
just a dictionary there is one text box and one label and one button.when enter some text in text box and click button label show the translate of this text.
i hope Mitja You understood the problem .


If I understood you correctly, and yuou have a HashTable as a dictionary (key and value; key is written name into textBox, value is translated word, which will be shown in a label), then this is the code you want:

public partial class Form1 : Form
        System.Collections.Hashtable table;
        public Form1()
            this.label1.Text = "";

        private void CreateDictionary()
            table = new System.Collections.Hashtable();
            table.Add("a", "aaa");
            table.Add("b", "bbb");
            table.Add("c", "ccc");

        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string word = this.textBox1.Text;
            foreach (System.Collections.DictionaryEntry dic in table)
                if (word == dic.Key.ToString())
                    this.label1.Text = dic.Value.ToString();

I hope it helps,

You cannot translate a language into another by just using word translation.
You could get strange things by doing so.
Even two rather "similar" languages as Dutch and English have their differences.
"Waar heb je je autosleutels gelaten?" a perfect Dutch sentence,
would become translated word by word: "Where have you you carkeys left?" in perfect English(I hope :S) "Where did you leave your carkeys?"
Did you also think about the conjugations of the verbs etc.?

This is best code but this is not converting English text into French or Hindi
Mitja ..Please send more like translator

This is best code but this is not converting English text into French or Hindi
Mitja ..Please send more like translator

I dont know what do you mean?
I told you Iam not sure what exactly would you like to do, but with creating your own translator, you will have to put all words into it; I thought you will use a hastTable as for the tool of translation. Key will be used as the written word, and value as translation word.

i underatand your problem. i am making english to urdu translator if u need my help send me message. i will give you the code

i underatand your problem. i am making english to urdu translator if u need my help send me message. i will give you the code

This is from 2 years ago... the op probably found the solution by now. And if you have the translator and are giving it away, why not post it in the code snippets?

commented: Yeah, why not +14
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