who encounter this program in JAVA or NETBEANS pls help me to build the codes.. asap!!!

Forms for LS.doc

you didn't pay me for attentions, maybe around is some *** who accepted and agreed with


much luck

I could write it but @jon.kiparsky would kill me...:twisted:

just kidding...

Please, start codeing... put some effort and we are all here to help if you had problems.

I could write it but @jon.kiparsky would kill me...:twisted:

just kidding...

Please, start codeing... put some effort and we are all here to help if you had problems.

i dont know wat codes to be use! cause our professor just gave us that output and didnt teach us how to program that LIBRARY SYSTEM.. =( now where having some trouble in doing this project because all of my classmates are still newbie in programming...

i dont know wat codes to be use! cause our professor just gave us that output and didnt teach us how to program that LIBRARY SYSTEM.. =( now where having some trouble in doing this project because all of my classmates are still newbie in programming...

Of course he did. He didn't say "this is your project and this is how you code form1 and this is how you code form2, etc, etc" because then he would be doing the project and not you. I can guarantee however, that the material needed to do this was either taught in that class or was a prerequisite to taking that class. If the former, you should have paid attention, and if the latter you shouldn't have lied about your qualifications.

As far as "how to write it", see the tutorials and go through all of them as you seemingly need to start from the beginning.

Are you saying that your professor didn't teach you how to create forms (JFrame) ?

How to click buttons (ActionListener)

Or how to create your own classes?

class Book {
  String name;
  String author;

i dont know wat codes to be use! cause our professor just gave us that output and didnt teach us how to program that LIBRARY SYSTEM.. =( now where having some trouble in doing this project because all of my classmates are still newbie in programming...

I am sure that your professor told you what language to use 'Java'. He/she did not give you the source code to create a 'program' but expect you to create the program which would have the output as you display.

You may use Java Swing libraries tutorial to create what you are looking for or you could use other libraries...

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