Hey guys, I'm new here, seeing as this is a C++ forum I was wondering if someone could help me out with a C++ assignment I have.

I need to make a word counting program. Here is what I need:


Username: cs89a
password: ctwo

Anyone who completes this project for me I will give them 1 years worth of webhosting at my company. (www.prodesigns.ca)

Thanks. BTW I need this done by tonight.



free webhosting is good.. howev3r, I think that when it comes to the highest quality assignments done fast.. I think a nominal $$$ will get you what you want in this case.. ;)

Hey guys, I'm new here, seeing as this is a C++ forum I was wondering if someone could help me out with a C++ assignment I have.

I need to make a word counting program. Here is what I need:


Username: cs89a
password: ctwo

Anyone who completes this project for me I will give them 1 years worth of webhosting at my company. (www.prodesigns.ca)

Thanks. BTW I need this done by tonight.



See This


Why are you taking the class if not to learn?

Why are you taking the class if not to learn?

well said

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