Hi ,I have super class vehicle,truck extends vehicle,and I created array in test class full with objects from vehicle and truck,how can I call method from vehicle,is this the way

Hi ,I have super class vehicle,truck extends vehicle,and I created array in test class full with objects from vehicle and truck,how can I call method from vehicle,is this the way

If you want to use the method from the vehicle class then cast the object as a vehicle:


Notice the extra set of parentheses there; without them you'll get a compile error, as Java will believe that you want to run getMethod() and then convert the result into a vehicle.

vehicle is the super class,and truck is the child
getLoadCap is in truck class

public static void main(String[] args) {
		Vehicle data[]=new Vehicle[4];
		Vehicle vehObj=new Vehicle("Lamborgini",8);
		Vehicle vehObj1=new Vehicle();
		Truck trObj=new Truck("Ford",4,1111,111);
		Truck trObj1=new Truck();
		for(int i=0;i<4;i++){
        data[2].getLoadCap();//here is the problem

should be


as already explained.

And of course ideally you'd handle errors doing the casting.

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