Here's the C++ code i did for myself:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <ctime>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
#include <cctype>
void terminate()
    const unsigned short SEC = 5; // constant for 5 times
    std::cout << "\nProgram will close in,\n"; // print
    for (int c=SEC; c>=0; c--) {
        if (c==0) { // if c equal with 0
            exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); // close the console
        else { // if c not reach 0
            std::cout << c << " "; // print the value one by one
        // system clock
        clock_t start = clock();
        clock_t end = CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
        while ((clock()-start) < end) {}
int main()
    const unsigned short size = 5;
    double n[size];
    std::ofstream fout; // creating object for output file
    // get the number to assign to each array
    for (int c=0; c<size; c++) {
        std::cout << "Enter number #" << c+1 << ": ";
        (std::cin >> n[c]).get();
    }"b4sort.txt"); // create a file #1
    fout << "Number before sorting:\n"; // print output on the file #1
    for (int c=0; c<size; c++) {
        fout << n[c] << ", ";
    fout.close(); // close that file
    // sorting
    for (int c=0; c<size-1; c++) {
        for (int d=0; d<size-1-c; d++) {
            if (n[d] > n[d+1]) { // swapping
                double temp;
                temp = n[d];
                n[d] = n[d+1];
                n[d+1] = temp;
    }"aftersort.txt"); // create a new file #2
    fout << "Number after sorting:\n"; // print output on the file #2
    for (int c=0; c<size; c++) {
        fout << n[c] << ", ";
    fout.close(); // close file #2
    char filename[300]; // declare a string variable
    char read; // declare a char variable
    long alphabetic = 0; // alphabetic count value
    long digit = 0; // digit count value
    long punctuation = 0; // punctuation count value
    long spacing = 0; // spacing count value
    long unknown = 0; // unknown count value
    std::ifstream fin; // creating object for input file
    std::cout << "\n\nTo analysis each text now.\n"; // display this
    std::cout << "Enter filename: "; // ask user to enter a filename
    std::cin.getline(filename, 300);; // opening the file
    if (fin.is_open()==false) { // if cannot open the file
        std::cout << "\nOpen file = 0"; // the file can't be open
    else { // else, the file can be open
        fin.get(read); // read char one by one
        while (fin.good()==true) { // test and get each character one by one
            if (isalpha(read)) { // if the char is alphabetic
            else if (isdigit(read)) { // if the char is numeric
            else if (ispunct(read)) { // if the char is punctuation
            else if (isspace(read)) { // if the char is space
            else { // if the char is unknown character
            fin.get(read); // get next character and test
    fout.close(); // close the file"textanalysis.odt"); // create a new file
    // print on the new file
    fout << filename << " text analysis.\n";
    fout << "\nTotal: " << alphabetic+digit+punctuation+spacing+unknown << std::endl;
    fout << "Alphabetic: " << alphabetic << std::endl;
    fout << "Digit: " << digit << std::endl;
    fout << "Punctuation: " << punctuation << std::endl;
    fout << "Spacing: " << spacing << std::endl;
    fout << "Unknown: " << unknown << std:: endl;
    fout << "\nFinish!";
    fout.close(); // close that file
    terminate(); // invoke function to close console
    return 0;

can someone show me how to turn this code into the small parts (function) one bye one, especially for that sorting and swapping parts.

sory for my bad english and i'm just a beginner in C++...

i grab it from my friend, and he ask me to make it in function, it took me a very long hours to understand this code, and then i put the comments myself to help someone understand like mine also... c++ very hard to learn.

Look at the functional blocks first, those are candidates for refactoring into separate functions. For example, the sort block:

// sorting
    for (int c=0; c<size-1; c++) {
        for (int d=0; d<size-1-c; d++) {
            if (n[d] > n[d+1]) { // swapping
                double temp;
                temp = n[d];
                n[d] = n[d+1];
                n[d+1] = temp;

can be turned into a function very easily - let's call it sort_doubles():

void sort_doubles( double n[], size_t size )
    // sorting
    for (size_t c=0; c<size-1; c++) {
        for (size_t d=0; d<size-1-c; d++) {
            if (n[d] > n[d+1]) { // swapping
                double temp;
                temp = n[d];
                n[d] = n[d+1];
                n[d+1] = temp;

Notice that I changed the loop variables c and d to size_t instead of int. That is because array indexes are size_t types. Also, the array parameter passed to the function is by default by reference in C++, so sorting the array in the function, results in the passed array getting sorted - they are one and the same. So, that block of code in your code for sorting the array is now replaced with this single line:

sort_doubles(n, size);

Note that you should also change the type of size from const unsigned short to either a size_t or const size_t. Making it const really doesn't do anything for you in this case. That would be more useful for global or external variables, but unnecessary here.

thank you rubberman...
i understand now..
the function header -> void sort_doubles( double n[], size_t size ) also same like this:
void sort_doubles( double* pN, size_t size ), isnt it? because when we pass an array we actually pass a pointer?

Actually, in C the pointer analogy is correct. However, in C++, it actually is passed as a reference to the array. Functionally the same, semantically subtlety different. In any case. The nice thing about references is that you don't need to verify that the passed pointer is not null... the compiler deals with that for you mostly, and when it doesn't, runtime exceptions allow you to "catch" such problems much more easily. So, do get into the habit of (judiciously) using exception handling in your code. Too much is counter productive. Too little leads to system crashes. Just enough allows you to intelligently recover from may errors, or terminate the program in a much more controlled manner than a simple core dump.

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