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What Language Do i First learn to master all? i have a small knowledge in VB6 and vb.net

but what do i need to learn first to master all language im dedicated to study hard and master the languages

and i want to be a IT PRO in the future please help me

If anyone want i can be your apprentice and your will be my mentor

thank you

If you already know a little about VB6 and VB.NET then you have probably mastered the basic concepts of variables and loops. You might want to begin learning C and C++, it doesn't matter which one you learn first.

The reason it doesn't matter (if you didn't already know) is because c++ was designed to be as portable and compatible as possible, this makes them similar and no big deal to switch between.

Hope this helps (a little)

but what do i need to learn first to master all language im dedicated to study hard and master the languages

I know there are people out there who use multiple languages (almost all programmers i believe), but i have not came across anyone who has mastered all languages.

Depends on what you want/like to do and which platforms you are interested in...

Having said that, c++ is a good language to have in your skill set.

more or less i started the same by myself,and i chose c++

Learning a programming language involves two things: the syntax and the programming paradigm. The syntax includes all the little rules like = is an assignment and == is a comparison (in C/C++ and related languages), operator priorities, keywords, declaration syntax, etc. These are usually trivial to learn or look-up when in doubt. But, surely, some languages have a more cryptic syntax than others (and that is usually quite subjective). C++ is generally pretty straight-forward for syntax (although there are a few syntax oddities in C++, like trigraphs, the declaration-over-statement rule, or function pointer type declarations), and many languages are strongly influenced by C++'s syntax (so C++ is a good syntax to know, and know well).

Learning the programming paradigm is far less trivial. As opposed to syntax which is about translating your mental image of a program/algorithm into working code, the programming paradigm is about how you construct that mental image of the software, i.e. it's the mindset with which you tackle a problem. C++ is very good for this because it is already a multiple paradigm languages (native support for functional, procedural, object-oriented, generic, and meta-programming paradigms, and supports almost any other paradigm via an appropriate Domain Specific Embedded Language (DSEL) library).

So, I would say that "to master all languages" really is not that important. It is really much more important to master all programming paradigms and coding styles, because it is the way you choose to solve a problem, based on the most appropriate paradigm for the problem, that determines your effectiveness, not the trivial syntax differences. And, C++ is a very good language (and probably the best, IMO) to allow you to explore all the different ways in which to solve a problem.

It depends of the paradigms you need to learn and of the languages you need to learn for a particular work. By learning a language, you'll reinforce your set of skills and you will be able to learn faster some features from other languages. For example, the foreach construct in Java represents the iterator concept that is found in C++/STL, but which much more syntax in C++.

I heard somebody in an university saying that "if you master C++, then you will easily master other languages". I don't entirely agree with that statement, because I consider some languages to be very important in a programmer's experience (like Lisp or Scheme, even if the syntax can horrify the syntax lovers). However, C++ can let you experience a lot of concepts (pointers, memory allocation, single and multiple inheritance, functional programming - if you can handle syntax of function pointers).

I insist that you experiment a lot of paradigms (functional programming, object-oriented programming, ...) instead of concentrating on programming languages alone. By using paradigms, you'll open yourself to multiple programming languages.

Thank you For Your Your Reply Sir REALY APRECIATE IT

So i can Learn C++ Directly? cuz Many people i ask about learning C++ They all reply I need To learn javascripting And other Language So i tried to learn them abd then suddenly Someone told me to learn that language and i learn it So My Study in Programing languagest are REally messy they said to study VB NET etch

So i think IM going MAD But suddenly I found This Community Accidentally when im searching a miss spelled word So really appreciate all your reply guys

I want to HAve a Fresh Start in Programing So i can learn C++ Directly?

If Yes Can u give me some e-books to study cuz its almost summer here so i can study it Cuz i still have 2 yrs before i goto collage thanks you i started studying when im in grade school but there on it started kinda messy so guys help me goto the right tracks thank you very much

You need to learn how to use google. If you want c++ ebooks then just google for them.

which order we should learn to c++
where should we begin and where should we go ?

>>which order we should learn to c++
From the beginning, of course.

personally i bought a book 85euro and i didn't regret it,its totally different to be eBook and have it and read it.

and at least for me its good starts from 0 and has exercises, questions some solutions(not all) correct or wrong,find the error,advices,tips etc and the way is written is very clear,if you want me to suggest you

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