Hi again..
i'm looking for how to running notepad from vb6..
please help me.
any help will be appreciated.

WaltP commented: Please stop beggin? You don't have to explicitly ask for help. That's why you posted and we already know it! -3

you mean run notepad of windows program or make a notepad in vb6?

you mean run notepad of windows program or make a notepad in vb6?

Running notepad of windows program from vb.
i can run notepad from vb like i click on notepad exe file.
please help.


oh, i see,,
You can use shell function to execute an exe file.


oh, i see,,
You can use shell function to execute an exe file.


Thanks sir..
but can u give a hand for an example of shell function?


see if this help :

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Call Shell("notepad.exe", vbNormalFocus)
End Sub
commented: simple but good +4
commented: Always Helping +1

its working nice..
thank you very much sir for helping me..

now this thread is solved.

commented: post your code another time.. +4
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