Can someone please help me with this program. These are my instructions that were given to me... When I finish the inputs and it comes back with the numbers the payment amount is wrong

//       Name:  GCD.cpp
//     Author:  Jeffrey A. Stone
//     Course:  CMPSC 101/121
//    Purpose:  Computes the GCD of two integers.

// Header Files...
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <cstring>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>

// Namespaces used....
using namespace std;

// Type Definitions...

// Function prototypes...

double inputPrincipal();
// input a simple integer from the user

double inputAIR();
// input a simple integer from the user

int inputTOF();
// input a simple integer from the user

int inputPPY();
// input a simple integer from the user

double computeAmortizedPayment( double p, double ir, double ppy, int n);
// compute for the Amortized Payment

void printHeaderInformation(double princ, double ir, double amort, int n);
// display summary information

double computeInterestPortion(double remaining_balance, double ir, int ppy);
// computes the interest of each individual payment

void computeAndPrintRows(double p, double ir, double amort, int n, int ppy);
// computes and displays the payment schedule for the loan

// Constants...

//   FUNCTION NAME: main
//      PARAMETERS: None
//     RETURN TYPE: int
//         PURPOSE: Entry point for the application.

int main()
   double p = 0.0;     // declare a variable to store an input value
   double ar = 0.0;    // declare a variable to store an input value
   int t = 0;          // declare a variable to store an input value
   int py = 0;         // declare a variable to store an input value
   double a = 0.0;     // stores the amortized payment

   p = inputPrincipal();    // input the Principal
   ar = inputAIR();    // input the Annual Interest Rate
   t = inputTOF();    // input the Term of the Loan
   py = inputPPY();    // input the Payments per Year
   // compute the Amortized Payment
   a = computeAmortizedPayment( p, ar, t, py );

   // output the value...
   printHeaderInformation( p, ar, t, py );


   // exit the program with success (0 == success)
   return 0;

double inputPrincipal()
	double num = 0.0;   // stores the user input value
	bool is_valid_input = false;    // flag variable

	while ( is_valid_input == false )  // !is_valid_input
	   cout << "Please enter an Principal that is > 0 ";   // prompt
	   cin  >> num;                               // input

	   // check to see if the user entered a valid value...
	   if ( num > 0 )
		   // set the flag variable...
		   is_valid_input = true;
		   // alert the user...
		   cout << "ERROR: The Principal must be greater than zero (0)." << endl;

	// return the user input value...
	return num;

double inputAIR()
	double rate = 0.0;   // stores the user input value
	bool is_valid_input = false;    // flag variable

	while ( is_valid_input == false )  // !is_valid_input
	   cout << "Please enter a Annual Interest Rate that is in the range of [1-100] ";   // prompt
	   cin  >> rate;                               // input

	   // check to see if the user entered a valid value...
	   if ( rate > 1 && rate <= 100 )
		   // set the flag variable...
		   is_valid_input = true;
		   // alert the user...
		   cout << "ERROR: The AIR has to be [1-100]" << endl;

	// return the user input value...
	return rate;

int inputTOF()
	int loan = 0;   // stores the user input value
	bool is_valid_input = false;    // flag variable

	while ( is_valid_input == false )  // !is_valid_input
	   cout << "Please enter a Term of the Loan that is in the range of [10-30] ";   // prompt
	   cin  >> loan;                               // input

	   // check to see if the user entered a valid value...
	   if ( loan > 10 && loan <= 30 )
		   // set the flag variable...
		   is_valid_input = true;
		   // alert the user...
		   cout << "ERROR: The TOF has to be [10-30]" << endl;

	// return the user input value...
	return loan;

int inputPPY()
	int pay = 0;   // stores the user input value
	bool is_valid_input = false;    // flag variable

	while ( is_valid_input == false )  // !is_valid_input
	   cout << "Please enter a Payments per Year that is in the range of [1-12] ";   // prompt
	   cin  >> pay;                               // input

	   // check to see if the user entered a valid value...
	   if ( pay > 1 && pay <= 12 )
		   // set the flag variable...
		   is_valid_input = true;
		   // alert the user...
		   cout << "ERROR: The PPY has to be [1-12]" << endl;

	// return the user input value...
	return pay;

double computeAmortizedPayment( double p, double ir, double ppy, int n)
	double a = 0.0;
	a = (p * ir * pow( (ir+1) , n) ) / (pow( (ir+1) , n ) - 1 );

	return a;

void printHeaderInformation(double princ, double ir, double amort, int n)
	cout << "\nBeginning Principal: " << princ << endl;
	cout << "Annual Interest Rate: " << ir << endl;
	cout << "Total Payments: " << n << endl;
	cout << "Payment Amount: " << amort << endl;

	// output the column headings...
	cout << setw(5) << "\nPayment#" << setw(20) << "Interest Due" << setw(20) << "Principal" << setw(25) << "Balance Remaining" << endl;

double computeInterestPortion(double remaining_balance, double ir, int ppy) 
	// compute the interest portion of the payment... 
	return (remaining_balance * (ir / 100.0)) / ppy; 

void computeAndPrintRows(double p, double ir, double amort, int n, int ppy)

Look carefully at the parameters being passed to the print function. They are incorrect.

Do you mean in the main function or in the print header function itself?

Do you mean in the main function or in the print header function itself?

Rather than waiting 6 hours for a reply, just look at them all. It would have taken you 5 minutes. :icon_rolleyes:

I don't know what that means.... I just need to know why its not giving me the right payment amount ( what does passed mean ) I am new to the C++ language

Look carefully at the parameters being passed to the print function. They are incorrect.

I guess I could be more explicit, but IMO the statement says it all. Check all the parameters. Do the calls and the function definitions match parameter by parameter?

From what I am looking at they look like they match...

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