Hi all.

I've been working on a Binary Search Tree as a beginner and have the majority of functions working, however in the program I need to give the option to choose how to traverse the contents and then display them in that order. I've got the traversal methods, however I can't get my balancing to work properly and so the results don't come out in the right order.

I've been changing things around trying to get it to work, here's how i've got it the moment, in which when requesting a traversal I get an error in the command line saying "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." The main problem i've been having is how and where to invoke the balance method in order to sort and traverse.

I've searched all over the place but can't seem to find anything that I can get working in my code.

Below are my classes - could any of you give me a hand with how to get this working please? Apologies for the lack of comments in the code.

Here is my BinaryTree class:

/// Binary Tree data structure
/// Begin Binary Tree structure definition
// ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
using System;
using csKicksTreeApp;
class BinaryTree
    private BinaryTreeNode head;
    private int size;
    //private int depth;
    /// Constructor ‐ Creates a new instance of a Binary Tree
    public BinaryTree()
        head = null;
        size = 0;
    /// Gets or sets the root of the tree (the top‐most node)
    public BinaryTreeNode Root
        get { return head; }
        set { head = value; }
    /// Gets the number of elements stored in the tree
    public int Count
        get { return size; }
    /// Adds a new element to the tree
    public void Add(Int32 value)
        BinaryTreeNode node = new BinaryTreeNode(value);
    /// Adds a node to the tree

    public void Add(BinaryTreeNode node) //Do I need to invoke the balance method for this?
        if (this.head == null) //'this' is the tree, check if empty
            this.head = node; //set node as root of the tree
            //node.Parent = this.head; //its parent points to itself
            if (node.Parent == null)
                node.Parent = head; //start at head
            //Node is inserted on the left side if it is smaller or equal to the parent
            bool insertLeftSide = false;
            if (node.Value < node.Parent.Value)
                insertLeftSide = true;
            if (insertLeftSide) //insert on the left
                if (node.Parent.LeftChild == null)
                    node.Parent.LeftChild = node; //insert in left
                    node.Parent = node.Parent.LeftChild; //scan down to left child
                    this.Add(node); //recursive call
            else //insert on the right
                if (node.Parent.RightChild == null)
                    node.Parent.RightChild = node; //insert in right
                    node.Parent = node.Parent.RightChild;

    /// Returns the first node in the tree with the parameter value.
    public BinaryTreeNode Find(Int32 value)
        BinaryTreeNode node = this.head; //start at head
        while (node != null)
            if (node.Value.Equals(value)) //parameter value found
                return node;
                //Search left if the value is smaller than the current node
                bool searchLeft = false;
                if (node.Value > value)
                    searchLeft = true;
                if (searchLeft)
                    node = node.LeftChild; //search left
                    node = node.RightChild; //search right
        return null; //not found
    /// Removes a value from the tree and returns whether the removal was successful.
    public bool Remove(Int32 value)
    BinaryTreeNode removeNode = Find(value);
    return this.Remove(removeNode);
    /// Removes a node from the tree and returns whether the removal was successful.
    public bool Remove(BinaryTreeNode removeNode)
        if (removeNode == null)
            return false; //value doesn't exist or not of this tree
        //Note whether the node to be removed is the root of the tree
        bool wasHead = (removeNode == head);
        if (this.Count == 1)
            this.head = null; //only element was the root
            size--; //decrease total element count
        else if (removeNode.IsLeaf) //Case 1: No Children
            //Remove node from its parent
            if (removeNode.IsLeftChild)
                removeNode.Parent.LeftChild = null;
                removeNode.Parent.RightChild = null;
            removeNode.Parent = null;
            size--; //decrease total element count
        else if (removeNode.ChildCount == 1) //Case 2: One Child
            if (removeNode.HasLeftChild)
                //Put left child node in place of the node to be removed
                removeNode.LeftChild.Parent = removeNode.Parent; //update parent
                if (wasHead)
                    this.Root = removeNode.LeftChild; //update root reference if needed
                if (removeNode.IsLeftChild) //update the parent's child reference
                    removeNode.Parent.LeftChild = removeNode.LeftChild;
                    removeNode.Parent.RightChild = removeNode.LeftChild;
            else //Has right child
                //Put left node in place of the node to be removed
                removeNode.RightChild.Parent = removeNode.Parent; //update parent
                if (wasHead)
                    this.Root = removeNode.RightChild; //update root reference if needed
                if (removeNode.IsLeftChild) //update the parent's child reference
                    removeNode.Parent.LeftChild = removeNode.RightChild;
                    removeNode.Parent.RightChild = removeNode.RightChild;
            removeNode.Parent = null;
            removeNode.LeftChild = null;
            removeNode.RightChild = null;
            size--; //decrease total element count
        else //Case 3: Two Children
            //Find inorder predecessor (right‐most node in left subtree)
            BinaryTreeNode successorNode = removeNode.LeftChild;
            while (successorNode.RightChild != null)
                successorNode = successorNode.RightChild;
            removeNode.Value = successorNode.Value; //replace value
            this.Remove(successorNode); //recursively remove the inorder predecessor
        return true;

    // balancing the binary tree
    // after the tree has been built
    // WARNING! This code has not been checked...
    // and you may need to change it
    // depending on your tree design
    public void balance(BinaryTreeNode node)
        if (node != null)
            BinaryTree tree = new BinaryTree();
            if (node.RightChild.level - node.LeftChild.level > 1)
                if (node.RightChild.level > node.LeftChild.level)
                    node = rotateL(node);
                    node = rotateR(node);
                    node = rotateL(node);
                if (node.LeftChild.level > node.RightChild.level)
                    node = rotateR(node);
                    node = rotateL(node);
                    node = rotateR(node);
    // depth from node to left
    public int heightL(BinaryTreeNode node)
        if (node == null)
            return 0;
        return node.LeftChild.level + 1;
    // depth from node from the right
    public int heightR(BinaryTreeNode node)
        if (node == null)
            return 0;
        return node.RightChild.level + 1;
    // left rotation around node
    public BinaryTreeNode rotateL(BinaryTreeNode node)
        if (node == null)
            return null;
            BinaryTreeNode newRoot = node.RightChild;
            node.RightChild = newRoot.leftChild;
            newRoot.leftChild = node;
            return newRoot;
    // right rotation around node
    public BinaryTreeNode rotateR(BinaryTreeNode node)
        if (node == null)
            return null;
            BinaryTreeNode newRoot = node.LeftChild;
            node.LeftChild = newRoot.RightChild;
            newRoot.RightChild = node;
            return newRoot;

    // TraverseInOrder
    // Traverses the tree in this order:
    // Left, Root, Right
    // Calls the private function InOrder
    public void TraverseInOrder()
        InOrder(ref head);
    private void InOrder(ref BinaryTreeNode node)
        balance(node); //Where I was attempting to balance before traversing which I think is what throws the error.
        if (node == null)
        if (node.LeftChild != null)
            InOrder(ref node.leftChild);
        if (node.RightChild != null)
            InOrder(ref node.rightChild);
    // TraversePreOrder
    // Traverses the tree in this order:
    // Root, Left, Right
    public void TraversePreOrder()
        PreOrder(ref head);
    private void PreOrder(ref BinaryTreeNode node)
        if (node == null)

        if (node.LeftChild != null)
            InOrder(ref node.leftChild);
        if (node.RightChild != null)
            InOrder(ref node.rightChild);
    // TraversePostOrder
    // Traverses the tree in this order:
    // Left, Right, Root
    public void TraversePostOrder()
        PostOrder(ref head);
    private void PostOrder(ref BinaryTreeNode node)
        if (node == null)
        if (node.LeftChild != null)
            InOrder(ref node.leftChild);
        if (node.RightChild != null)
            InOrder(ref node.rightChild);

BinaryTreeNode class:

//| Inspired by and Modified from: |
//| Visual C# Kicks ‐ http://www.vcskicks.com/ |
//| License ‐ http://www.vcskicks.com/license.html |
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Text;
namespace csKicksTreeApp
    /// A Binary Tree node that holds an element and references to other tree nodes
    /// Binary Tree Node class
    class BinaryTreeNode
        public Int32 value;
        internal int level;
        public BinaryTreeNode leftChild;
        public BinaryTreeNode rightChild;
        public BinaryTreeNode parent;
        /// Creates a new instance of an empty node
        public BinaryTreeNode()
            this.level = 0;
            this.parent = null;
            this.leftChild = null;
            this.rightChild = null;
            //deleted = null;
        /// Create a new instance of a Binary Tree node
        public BinaryTreeNode(Int32 value)
            this.level = 1;
            this.value = value;
            this.parent = null;
            this.leftChild = null;
            this.rightChild = null;
        /// The value stored at the node
        public Int32 Value
            get { return value; }
            set { this.value = value; }
        /// Gets or sets the left child node
        public BinaryTreeNode LeftChild
            get { return leftChild; }
            set { leftChild = value; }
        /// Gets or sets the right child node
        public BinaryTreeNode RightChild
            get { return rightChild; }
            set { rightChild = value; }
        /// Gets or sets the parent node
        public BinaryTreeNode Parent
            get { return parent; }
            set { parent = value; }
        /// Gets whether the node is a leaf (has no children)
        public bool IsLeaf
            get { return this.ChildCount == 0; }
        /// Gets whether the node is internal (has children nodes)
        public bool IsInternal
            get { return this.ChildCount > 0; }
        /// Gets whether the node is the left child of its parent
        public virtual bool IsLeftChild
            get { return this.Parent != null && this.Parent.LeftChild == this; }
        /// Gets whether the node is the right child of its parent
        public virtual bool IsRightChild
            get { return this.Parent != null && this.Parent.RightChild == this; }
        /// Gets the number of children this node has
        public int ChildCount
                int count = 0;
                if (this.LeftChild != null)
                if (this.RightChild != null)
                return count;
        /// Gets whether the current node has a left child node
        public bool HasLeftChild
            get { return (this.LeftChild != null); }
        /// Gets whether the current node has a right child node
        public bool HasRightChild
            get { return (this.RightChild != null); }
}// end of binary tree node class

And finally my program:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace csKicksTreeApp
    class Program

        static void Main(string[] args)
            string input;
            int value;

            bool flag = true;

            while (flag)

                    Random randomGenerator = new Random();

                    generate myRand = new generate(randomGenerator);

                    BinaryTree tree = new BinaryTree();

                    Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the Binary Search Tree.\n");
                    Console.WriteLine("\nWhat would you like to do?\nPress \"I\" to insert a node.\nPress \"D\" to delete a node.\nPress \"A\" to traverse in-order.\nPress \"B\" to traverse pre-order.\nPress \"C\" to traverse post-order.\nPress \"E\" to end the program.\n");
                    input = Console.ReadLine();

                    if (input == "i" || input == "I")
                        Console.WriteLine("\nPress \"I\" again if you would like to input your own value or any other key to input a random number.");
                        input = Console.ReadLine();

                        if (input == "i" || input == "I")
                            Console.WriteLine("\nPlease enter the value you would like to insert and press enter");
                            value = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

                            Console.WriteLine("\nGenerating random number...");
                            value = myRand.GetRandom();

                       // rootNode = tree.Root;

                        Console.WriteLine("The value {0} was entered into the Tree.\n", value);

                        goto Options;
                    else if (input == "d" || input == "D")
                        Console.WriteLine("\nPlease enter the value you would like removing\n");
                        value =Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());


                        Console.WriteLine("The value {0} was removed from the Tree.\n", value);
                        Console.WriteLine("\nPress any key to return to the options.\n");
                        goto Options;
                    else if (input == "a" || input == "A")
                        Console.WriteLine("\nBelow are the contents of the Binary Search Tree, shown In Order. Press any key to return to Options.\n");
                        goto Options;
                    else if (input == "b" || input == "B")
                        Console.WriteLine("\nBelow are the contents of the Binary Search Tree, shown Pre Order. Press any key to return to Options.\n");
                        goto Options;
                    else if (input == "c" || input == "C")
                        Console.WriteLine("\nBelow are the contents of the Binary Search Tree, shown Post Order. Press any key to return to Options.\n");
                        goto Options;
                    else if (input == "e" || input == "E")
                        goto End;
                        Console.WriteLine("\nInvalid command. Please choose one of the options listed.");
                        goto Options;

                    Console.WriteLine("\nWould you like to exit or restart the program? Press \"E\" again to exit, \"R\" to  restart or \"C\" to cancel.\n");
                    string newop = Console.ReadLine();

                    flag = false;

                    if (newop == "r" || newop == "R")
                        flag = true;

                    else if (newop == "c" || newop == "C")
                        goto Options;

                catch (FormatException e)
                catch (OutOfMemoryException e)
                catch (Exception e)

    class generate
        private Random _randomGenerator;
        private int _maxResult = 100;

        public int maxResult
                return _maxResult;


        public generate()
            throw new Exception("Needs a random object to be passed");

        public generate(Random randomGenerator)
            //Initialise the random number generator
            _randomGenerator = randomGenerator;

        private int _generateRandom()
            return _randomGenerator.Next(1, _maxResult + 1);

        public int GetRandom()
            return _generateRandom();

I've included all the code because i'm a beginner and have no idea where the problems may lie in the code. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

Object reference not set to an instance of an object

Cold you point out where that error in your code occured?

Cold you point out where that error in your code occured?


The code compiles fine, I get the message during run of the program. Everything works fine until I attempt to press "A", "B", or "C" to use any of the traversal methods. This message then comes up in command line and takes me back to the main options of the program.

I tried to invoke the balance method in my first traversal method (TraverseInOrder) to attempt balancing before the traversal, which I think may be the reason this message is coming up - When I remove this the traversals run but not as intended as I can't figure out how to balance the contents of the tree before traversing.

Sorry if that didn't really help!

Edit: I edited the code with a comment where I tried to invoke it.

Did you know that VS has a fantastic debugger?

Did you know that VS has a fantastic debugger?

That's what I'm using to test the program when working with the code - that's what I meant by compiles ok because it doesn't throw any errors and runs ok, sorry I guess I shouldn't have said it runs ok with the VS debugger rather than compiles - wasn't sure if the debugger compiles when it runs!

Thanks for your replies btw!

The problem is in your Balance routine. It's not :)

I don't have time right now to fully debug it, but if you haven't solved it, I'll take a look at it later.

Just FYI, it seems it's always going to line 249 in the Balance routine. I haven't confirmed that it *always* does, but for all the values I've tried it has.

Ok, I've looked at it some more and you never change the level value of a node, it's always 1. This causes it to always go to line 249 where you rotate the tree even though it doesn't need rotating (if the child node levels are the same you don't need to rebalance).

You need to rethink this routine.

Ok, I've looked at it some more and you never change the level value of a node, it's always 1. This causes it to always go to line 249 where you rotate the tree even though it doesn't need rotating (if the child node levels are the same you don't need to rebalance).

You need to rethink this routine.

Hi Momerath, thanks very much for your help.

I'm still very confused about this - I thought maybe taking a break from it and coming back would help me figure it out but didn't quite work!

Do you think changing the if statements in the balance routine from .level to .value (eg node.RightChild.level to node.RightChild.value)? Seems taking a break from it has just made me forget what could work with it :(

I also tried changing the level values of the child nodes in the add rotuine but wasn't sure if this was correct (shown below)

public void Add(BinaryTreeNode node)
        if (this.head == null) //'this' is the tree, check if empty
            this.head = node; //set node as root of the tree
            //node.Parent = this.head; //its parent points to itself
            if (node.Parent == null)
                node.Parent = head; //start at head
            //Node is inserted on the left side if it is smaller or equal to the parent
            bool insertLeftSide = false;
            if (node.Value < node.Parent.Value)
                insertLeftSide = true;
                //heightL(node);     <---------- HERE
            if (insertLeftSide) //insert on the left
                if (node.Parent.LeftChild == null)
                    node.Parent.LeftChild = node; //insert in left
                    node.Parent = node.Parent.LeftChild; //scan down to left child
                    this.Add(node); //recursive call
            else //insert on the right
                //heightR(node);    <---------- HERE

                if (node.Parent.RightChild == null)
                    node.Parent.RightChild = node; //insert in right
                    node.Parent = node.Parent.RightChild;

The other main problem I have is I can't test if the balance routine is working as I have no idea how or where I need to call it (does ths need to be called in the traversal functions or in my program class, how and where?)

Sorry for all these questions but I really am stuck and it's been driving me insane!!

Many thanks.

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