I have an application in which is compiled on my win32 development machine, but I need this application to be windows 7, 64 bit compatible.

How can I do this on my 32bit development machine?

Install a 64 bit compiler on the 32 bit computer, at the top where it shows debug and release, there are options like x32 x86 x64.. choose x64 a for pure 64 bit version of the program

Install a 64 bit compiler on the 32 bit computer, at the top where it shows debug and release, there are options like x32 x86 x64.. choose x64 a for pure 64 bit version of the program

Any suggestions ?

I wonder if Dev-C++ has a 64bit compiler.
I need a free compiler for this.

Also.... will the same code I am using for 32bit windows api work if just pasted in the 64bit compiler.

Also will SendMessage, and PostMessage not work on the windows 7 environment ??

lol wow thats a lot of questions.. Umm I use Visual Studio 2010 x64, I have Visual Studio 2008 aswell.

I dont think CodeBlocks for windows is 64 bit. And other than the VS 2010 and 2008, I dont know of any other 64 bit compilers :S

Yes PostMessage & SendMessage will work as Im using it atm to Send Messages from Threads. So I guarantee those functions will work.

I Have also taken a Program I wrote in 32bit vs2010 and compiled it in Vs2010 x64.. There is one problem though, If your importing specific DLL's, Some people say some of them will give trouble. Other than that, *I* have been successful 100% compiling my programs.

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