how i do this problem, i dont understand this problem

plz everyone can help me

Write a grading program for a class with the following grading policies:

a. There are two quizzes, each graded on the basis of 10 points.

b. There is one midterm exam and one final exam, each graded on the basis of 100 points.

c. The final exam counts for 50% of the grade, the midterm counts for 25%,and the two quizzes together count for a total of 25%. (Do not forget to normalize the quiz scores. They should be converted to a percent before they are averaged in.)

Any grade of 90 or more is an A, any grade of 80 or more (but less than 90) is a B, any grade of 70 or more (but less than 80) is a C, any grade of 60 or more (but less than 70) is a D, and any grade below 60 is an F.

The program will read in the student?s scores and output the student?s record, which consists of two quiz and two exam scores as well as the student?s average numeric score for the entire course and the final letter grade. Define and use a structure for the student record. If this is a class assignment, ask your instructor if input/output should be done with the keyboard and screen or if it should be done with files. If it is to be done with files, ask your instructor for instructions on file names.


Here is a little something to get ye' started:

using namespace std;

////////// User Defined Abstract Data Types ////////////

struct Record
     int quiz_1 ;
     int quiz_2 ;
     int midterm ;
     int final ;
} ;

class Grade_Calculator


     void menu( ) ;     
     void add_a_record( ) ;
     void delete_a_record( ) ;    
     void calculate_grade( ) ;
     void display_results( ) ;


     int number_of_records ;
     Record students[30] ;     //Initialize an array of 30 "Records"    
                               //Assuming 30 students or less
} ;

//Place any other non-related user defined function prototypes here

/////////  Driver Program /////////

int main( ) 
     Grade_Calculator myGC ;    //Create an object of type, "Grade_Calculator"  (gain access to the "Grade_Calculator" class)


     //Display a menu
     //Get menu option
     //Respond to menu option

//While (the user wishes to continue) ;

return 0 ; 

/////////////////  Function Definitions /////////////////////

/*function return type (if any)*/ Grade_Calculator::function_name( )
     //function algorithm

/*function return type (if any)*/ Grade_Calculator::function_name( )
     //function algorithm

/*function return type (if any)*/ Grade_Calculator::function_name( )
     //function algorithm

/*function return type (if any)*/ Grade_Calculator::function_name( )
     //function algorithm


commented: Was that really necessary? Bumping a 6 year old thread to post some code which do or does not solve this problem? -1

can someone please tell me why this is coming with errors on line 44 and 63 same topic

commented: post you code and questions in a new thread. make sure to follow the member rules -2
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