i want to output final coccer team standing that uses random so every time the match is played the final four team changes so how do i output that the ouput to the file changes as well

Could you show us some code?
It would help us in understanding the problem.

- WolfShield

this is the final four

public void runFinalRound()

		int count = 1;
	    current = head;
	    int c = 0;
	    System.out.println("\n                   WELCOME BACK SPECTATORS & FANS \n                 THE FINAL ROUND IS ABOUT TO BEGIN");

			 System.out.println("\nTHIRD AND FOURTH PLACE " + count);
			 System.out.println("" + current.newTeam.teamName + "V.S  " +current.link.newTeam.teamName + " " +(count + ran.nextInt(5))+":05pm @ HASLEY CROFORD STADIUM ");

			 current.newTeam.goalsFor = ran.nextInt(2);
			 current.link.newTeam.goalsFor = ran.nextInt(2);
			 System.out.println("\nScore " + current.newTeam.goalsFor +":"+current.link.newTeam.goalsFor);

			 	 if(current.newTeam.goalsFor > current.link.newTeam.goalsFor)
			 		 current.newTeam.points = 10;
			 		  current.link.newTeam.points = 8;

			 		 System.out.println("3rd :" + current.newTeam.teamName);
			 		  System.out.println("4th :" + current.link.newTeam.teamName);
			 		 System.out.println("" );
			 	 if(current.newTeam.goalsFor < current.link.newTeam.goalsFor)
			 		   current.newTeam.points = 8;
			 		   current.link.newTeam.points = 10;
			 		   System.out.println("3rd :" + current.link.newTeam.teamName);
			 		  System.out.println("4th :" + current.newTeam.teamName);


			 	  while(current.newTeam.goalsFor == current.link.newTeam.goalsFor)
			 	     System.out.println("Match Drawn So This is Extra Time     ");
			 	  	  current.newTeam.goalsFor = ran.nextInt(2);
			 	      current.link.newTeam.goalsFor = ran.nextInt(2);
			 	       System.out.println("Score " + current.newTeam.goalsFor +":"+current.link.newTeam.goalsFor);

			 	       if(current.newTeam.goalsFor > current.link.newTeam.goalsFor)
					 	   current.newTeam.points = 10;
		  		 	       current.link.newTeam.points = 8;

		  			 	   System.out.println("3rd :" + current.newTeam.teamName);
		  		 	       System.out.println("4th :" + current.link.newTeam.teamName);
					 	   System.out.println("" );
		    			  if(current.newTeam.goalsFor < current.link.newTeam.goalsFor)
		  			 	     current.newTeam.points = 8;
		   			 	     current.link.newTeam.points = 10;
		  			 	     System.out.println("3rd :" + current.link.newTeam.teamName);
		  			 	     System.out.println("4th :" + current.newTeam.teamName);

			 	            if(current.newTeam.goalsFor == current.link.newTeam.goalsFor)
			 			     System.out.println("\nMATCH STILL DRAWN SO ITS DOWN TO PENALTY SHOOT OUT   ");

			 			     current.newTeam.goalsFor = ran.nextInt(5);
			 	    	      current.link.newTeam.goalsFor = ran.nextInt(5);
			 	    	       System.out.println("Score " + current.newTeam.goalsFor +":"+current.link.newTeam.goalsFor);

    	  			 	       if(current.newTeam.goalsFor > current.link.newTeam.goalsFor)
						 		 current.newTeam.points = 10;
								 current.link.newTeam.points = 8;

								 System.out.println("3rd :" + current.newTeam.teamName);
								 System.out.println("4th :" + current.link.newTeam.teamName);
								 System.out.println("" );
								 if(current.newTeam.goalsFor < current.link.newTeam.goalsFor)
								   current.newTeam.points = 8;
								   current.link.newTeam.points = 10;
								   System.out.println("3rd :" + current.link.newTeam.teamName);
								   System.out.println("4th :" + current.newTeam.teamName);



			 	 System.out.println("\nFINAL " + count);
				 System.out.println("" + current.link.link.newTeam.teamName + " V.S  " +current.link.link.link.newTeam.teamName + " " +(count + ran.nextInt(5))+":05pm @ HASLEY CROFORD STADIUM ");

						current.link.link.newTeam.goalsFor = ran.nextInt(2);
						current.link.link.link.newTeam.goalsFor = ran.nextInt(2);
						System.out.println("\nScore " + current.link.link.newTeam.goalsFor +":"+current.link.link.link.newTeam.goalsFor);

						 if(current.link.link.newTeam.goalsFor > current.link.link.link.newTeam.goalsFor)
						   current.link.link.newTeam.points = 20;
						   current.link.link.link.newTeam.points = 15;

						   System.out.println("1st :" + current.link.link.newTeam.teamName);
						   System.out.println("2nd :" + current.link.link.link.newTeam.teamName);
						   System.out.println("" );
							if(current.link.link.newTeam.goalsFor < current.link.link.link.newTeam.goalsFor)
							   current.link.link.newTeam.points = 15;
						       current.link.link.link.newTeam.points = 20;
							   System.out.println("1st :" + current.link.link.link.newTeam.teamName);
							   System.out.println("2nd :" + current.link.link.newTeam.teamName);


							 while(current.link.link.newTeam.goalsFor == current.link.link.link.newTeam.goalsFor)
							   System.out.println("Match Drawn So This is Extra Time     ");
							   current.link.link.newTeam.goalsFor = ran.nextInt(2);
							   current.link.link.link.newTeam.goalsFor = ran.nextInt(2);
							   System.out.println("Score " + current.link.link.newTeam.goalsFor +":"+current.link.link.link.newTeam.goalsFor);

							 	if(current.link.link.newTeam.goalsFor > current.link.link.link.newTeam.goalsFor)
									current.link.link.newTeam.points = 20;
						  		 	current.link.link.link.newTeam.points = 15;

						  			System.out.println("1st :" + current.link.link.newTeam.teamName);
						  		 	System.out.println("2nd :" + current.link.link.link.newTeam.teamName);
									System.out.println("" );
						    	  if(current.link.link.newTeam.goalsFor < current.link.link.link.newTeam.goalsFor)
						  			 current.link.link.newTeam.points = 15;
						   			 current.link.link.link.newTeam.points = 20;
						  			 System.out.println("1st :" + current.link.link.link.newTeam.teamName);
						  			 System.out.println("2nd :" + current.link.link.newTeam.teamName);

							 	    if(current.link.link.newTeam.goalsFor == current.link.link.link.newTeam.goalsFor)
							 		   System.out.println("\nMATCH STILL DRAWN SO ITS DOWN TO PENALTY SHOOT OUT   ");

							 		   current.link.link.newTeam.goalsFor = ran.nextInt(5);
							 		   current.link.link.link.newTeam.goalsFor = ran.nextInt(5);
							 		   System.out.println("Score " + current.link.link.newTeam.goalsFor +":"+current.link.link.link.newTeam.goalsFor);

								 	    if(current.link.link.newTeam.goalsFor > current.link.link.link.newTeam.goalsFor)
						    			 	current.link.link.newTeam.points = 20;
						    		 	    current.link.link.link.newTeam.points = 15;

											System.out.println("1st :" + current.link.link.newTeam.teamName);
											System.out.println("2nd :" + current.link.link.link.newTeam.teamName);
											System.out.println("" );


this is the bubble sort and what is needed is to print out from first place to fourth place and remmember every time the match is run the team changes. i am also putting an output file i have but it is not creating the text file.

      //Open the file for both reading and writing
      RandomAccessFile rand = new RandomAccessFile("tournamentresults.txt","r");
      int i=(int)rand.length();
      System.out.println("Length: " + i);
         rand.seek(0);  //Seek to start point of file
      for(int team = 0; team < i; team++){
        byte b = rand.readByte(); //read byte from the file
        System.out.print((char)b); //convert byte into char
      catch(IOException e)

  }// end of method


public void bubbleSort(Team array[])

		int arrayLength = array.length;//get array length

		 for(int i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++)
		for(int c = 0; c < (arrayLength - i); c++)
			//compare and swap
		if(array[c].points > array[c + 1].points)
			Team temp = array[c];
			array[c] = array[c + 1];
			array[c + 1] = temp;

		}//end if

	}//end inner for loop

  }//end outer for loop

}//end bubbleSort

  public void printArray(Team[] array)

	  System.out.print("\n Array Data: ");

	  	for(Team t :array)
	  		System.out.print(t + " ");
	  }//end for loop

	  for(Team t :array)
	  	  		System.out.print(t + " ");
	  }//end for loop

}//end method printArray

You are thinking of a random access RW file, presumably for in-place updating, but for the size you have here it would be much easier to just read the whole file into a suitable collection/class structure at startup, and write the whole thing back out (overwriting the file) at shutdown.
There's no reason why you shouldn't be able to read or write the whole shebang as a single Collection object in a single statement.

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